Monday, November 07, 2005

London, again. Blogging should resume on Saturday; possibly even Friday. Once we've knocked off the big Rubens show at the NG, and the Turner Prize at the Tate -- my husband has never missed a Turner Prize exhibition, since its inception -- we may just come home, he says. Fortunately, and unusually, I bought an open ticket this time (instead of a cheapo based on a particular train) so the option is open.

He thinks next week will be quiet and productive. I know otherwise, in that James and his five-year-old daughter Kirsty will be here.

I got the shoulder stitches cast on for the veil, and have knit two rows on all of them. Understanding a Kinzel pattern took a bit of doing, but if I've done it once I can do it again, I figure, and I think I've got myself straight. Time will tell. It's not that it isn't lucid; it's just that her charting methods are different from Sharon's. In particular, an empty square in Kinzel means "no stitch"; Sharon uses it to mean "garter stitch", and doesn't seem to need a "no stitch" symbol.


Hi, June! I've been with the Knitlist for 10 years, too. (I'm still a member, although I rarely read it.) For the first eight years, I posted an annual this-is-what-I've-knit-this year, in late December. One year I started a snowball thereby which rolled on into February. Last year, when I was still a "Listmom", traffic seemed high and heavy, so I just posted a brief note saying that the annual summary would be found here. This time, for number 10,  I gather from Marian's experience (yesterday) that that won't be allowed. If I wanted to be naughty, I could write humbly to one of the Knitlist high-heid-yins and ask what to do, but I think it'll be too much trouble.


1 comment:

  1. Sadly the knitlist is not what it was 10 years ago.
