That eBay auction for the two VKB’s from the 40’s ends today. Watch this space. More have turned up during the week -- I've already got them, so no more frenetic bidding for the moment, but it's encouraging to have hope that the collection can be extended if I keep at it.
The pattern and yarn for the Paisley Long Shawl from Fiddlesticks Knitting were waiting here on the mat – with nothing more to pay. Choosing a colour from a computer screen is a risky business, but I’ve really struck gold this time. “Mahogany” in JaggerSpun Zephyr wool-silk is as wonderful as it could be, a deep rich glowing plum-y purple.
So, London

I didn’t knit very hard on the current travel socks. I’m rather pleased with the way they’re coming out, though. I bought the yarn last year at the big Knitting and Stitching show at the Ally Pally. I didn’t enjoy it, but I wanted to have something to show for my time and anguish – it was expensive, hot, intolerably crowded, minimally interesting. So it's consoling that I like the socks.
On the left, the way they were after our last trip to London, in April (with the previous pair, completed). On the right, this morning.
(Or so I hope, eventually. Blogger seems to have exhausted its efforts for now by allowing the picture above.)
My sister, currently in Africa, will be passing through London at the end of the month. I left her new shawl there for her, stuck behind a packet addressed to her at Rachel’s house -- FROM FRANKLIN. I am consumed by jealousy. She can’t even knit.
These fish live in style in a corner of Rachel’s kitchen. Every one of them entered her life as a prize won by the skill or cunning of a small child at the Strathardle Highland Games, sometime or other.
(Equally, you will have to imagine the fish, for the time being.)
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