Thursday, May 31, 2018

I have had a busy and active day, and I have survived it.

I went all the way up to Multrees Walk this morning – the top of Broughton Street, and then on up and up – to get a prescription from Boots; went to John Lewis and bought a safari-jacket type thing for my cruise; transacted some business at the bank (might as well take advantage of having done all that hill-climbing); bought some first-of-season herrings; and came home. Exhausted but still on my feet.

I have ordered some other cruise clothes on line. There are no laundry facilities on the little boat; one will need a certain number of dark-coloured garments to last 10 days. I still need to order some trainers and some waterproof trousers.

Your many and interesting comments are still not being relayed to my Googlemail. Can anybody guess what might be wrong? I suspect the cats, who have a genius for walking across the keyboard and turning on Flight Mode. I don’t know how to do that myself – I can turn on Flight Mode all right, but not from the keyboard.

The knitting progresses. I’m now nearly half-way through the second Fair Isle band. C. and I have agreed that I will phone Murrayfield tomorrow and ask about booking the tour, ensuring as I do so that the real Calcutta Cup will be on view.

Catherine, thank you for suggesting that I look at Starmore’s Fair Isle book when I reach the crucial underarm point on Alexander’s vest. I’ve got that book, but have never knit from it. Meg is basing her instructions on the EPS, not surprisingly, and it may all work out when I look at her video.

No news on the fermentation front. The experimental batch of Good King Henry continues to look fairly active (as my fermentations go) and I am hatching plans for further attempts.


  1. Anonymous1:11 AM

    It's amazing what a cat can achieve on a computer! The two here like to rotate the screen by a quarter turn. Bewildering! I only managed to turn it back because I had seen which part of the keyboard they had walked over... followed by some experimentation. Sadly, I am not able to resolve your conundrum but I feel sure you have knowledgeable followers who can.
    Helen (anon)

  2. I wonder if it is related to the GDPR requirements? Although cats seem more likely. I don't use blogger, so I don't know how the settings, work. Perhaps they unchecked a 'send comments to mail' button?

  3. Good to hear that you are feeling stronger but - have you booked your assistance with the rail company yet? If nothing else, they would be able to help you stow your luggage on to the train - not always an easy matter, we find.

  4. There should be keyboard shortcuts that will do various things. Which is likely what the cats do when they walk across the keys. I will find the combo keys to bring up the list or you can google windows keyboard shortcuts.
