Saturday, October 31, 2020


I think maybe I’m coming down with a cold. The symptoms don’t match Covid but one is bound to feel a bit anxious. And how did I get it? Not being careful enough?


We’ve had a wet and stormy day. I didn’t go out. And we’ve moved on to a stormy evening.


Mary Lou, an apple, of course, for the Bloody Ploughman. I think David and Helen were going back to Abbotsford today, because there was much there to interest the boys. I told them to make sure not to skip the garden. David leaves tomorrow.


England is about to go into lockdown again, except for education. Mrs Sturgeon is telling us not to go to England. Things are marginally better here, very marginally, but I suspect she will have to follow Boris’ lead for once. Lisa, you’re absolutely right (comment yesterday) that we knitters are lucky to be able to hunker down with our yarn and our patterns and our thoughts. As for flu, I’ve had my injection and Helen is working on it – she’s not quite old enough to qualify, and there was a great rush on the vaccine when it first became available.


The knitting has advanced. One more round of the current instruction, then 8 for the next one. Then the next instruction after that is to try it on. We’ll see. I think maybe I’ll try measuring as-is, and only take that radical step if the measurement is way out. The question is, is the body long enough? Because the next instruction is to leave the sleeve stitches behind and knit peacefully on down to the bottom. I think I'd better take a picture tomorrow, however unsatisfactory.


I had a good Italian lesson this morning, except that I can’t find my textbook. I have set myself to read Verga’s Maestro-Don Gesualdo. It’s not terribly long. I’ve got it in Italian, in audible form (which I bought by mistake), and in translation, which was the most expensive of the three. The idea at the moment is to take it chapter by chapter in each of those three forms, in that order. We’ll see how long I can keep it up. I’ve done Chapter One. Cranford temporarily abandoned.

Kirsten, I can’t leave a reply to your comment (today) so I’ll do it this way. Your cold is a comfort to me, on this dark and stormy evening. Maybe neither of us has Covid-19. Maybe everything will be all right.




  1. I have an interlinear Dante's Inferno downloaded on my Kindle. I can nearly make out the Italian after reading the English, like Lucia in E F Benson's Mapp and Lucia. I have too much in common with Lucia; I can also play the first movement of the Moonlight sonata, but stop there like her.
    I've had a cold for over a week. Where could I have caught it? I haven't been to shops or cafés or anywhere indoors since March!

  2. I was just saying today that with all this masking and hand washing no one will get a cold this winter. I guess that’s wishful thinking. Here’s a good laugh. We were watching an Estonian film and I said at least there will be some knitted items. Then I mentioned a characters Estonian lace shawl. My husband of 30 years said “you can knit lace? How do you make the holes?”

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Jean, do you have a digital thermometer? I bought one as a precaution for a situation just like yours. It's not the whole answer but it helps. Mary Lou, that is hilarious. You must be a very self-contained knitter. If I knit lace - or any variant of knit or purl - I am so jubilant that there is no way my husband does NOT know it. Chloe

  4. =Tamar5:34 PM

    The ancient wisdom was that everyone carries cold viruses around all the time, but they only become active when our natural defenses are weakened, by stress, by cold weather, or by something we believe will weaken us. So there's no need to suspect being exposed to one.
    They also said that colds did not involve a fever, while flu did. Covid also includes a fever.

    1. That's fascinating about us all harbouring the cold virus within. I'm taking Berocca vitamins and pretending to myself that they will do some good. They do that 'plink, fizz' thing that they used to say on alka-seltzer adverts; I wish i could have 2 so I could say 'plink plink fizz' like the man on TV
