Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Worse and worse.


Here is (some of) the yarn, if I can retrieve the picture from the ether:


1)    You will see Carol Sunday’s Machu Picchu yarn there, in plastic to the left of centre. But I can’t find the pattern or the knitting. I had both yesterday. I thought I could sooth my stressed nerves by knitting a round or two of that lovely yarn. But it’s gone.

2)    The Coofle yarn isn’t where I thought my last-ditch effort would find it. I thought maybe I hadn’t unpacked it since the cruise. But no. Case is empty.That’s the actual knitting, centre front, corrugated rib conspicuous.

3)    As well as the Calcutta Cup vest (not shewn here) I plan to knit some Calcutta Cup legwarmers. I bought a kit from Jamieson & Smith. That’s the yarn, also in plastic, back left. I had the pattern recently. I showed it to Rachel when she was here. Now I can’t find it. I set Daniela to look for it this morning – she’s a brilliant finder, but even she failed. I think in the searching, she may have buried the Machu Picchu pattern (see 1)) – but that wouldn’t explain the absence of the M.P. knitting.

So, that’s today’s distressing news. And you’re absoliutely right, Cat and Gretchen, that the problem is that one doesn’t have the yarn one wants to knit right now. So why buy in advance? One never learns. Kirsten, one of the project bags on the right contains the beginning of an EPS sweater in odds and ends of stripes, all more or less Shetland weight. Would that be a possibility for your scrips and scraps?


And there is little else to report. Alexander came over and we did the same walk C. and I did on Sunday. If the weather holds, I must begin to think seriously of getting back across to the garden.


Well remembered on St Crispin, Mary Lou. It was on St Crispin’s day, 1952, That my friend Sylvia suggested that I join her and our mutual friend Ann the following summer in England.



  1. =Tamar7:12 PM

    Where do the cats usually hide things?

  2. My mom told me that Carol Sunday's mother and father just moved into the apartment across the hall from them in their retirement home. I guess both the moms were bragging on their kids. I have looked at her patterns and yarn, lovely stuff! but have never bought anything. I haven't met them. So, 2 degrees of separation?

  3. I spend so much time looking for things that I irritate myself. So often it is in an obvious spot. As my mother would say "If it were a dog it would bite you!" Thank goodness for PDF patterns I can reprint. That doesn't help with the yarn I was looking for last night...

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      My mother's phrase upon finding the lost-in-plain-sight was "if it were a snake it would have bit you!" The beginning of the search was usually greeted by the phrase "you'd lose your head if it weren't attached". To be fair, she often had to say the same things of herself as well. An absent-minded family . . .
      -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

    2. "If it were a snake it would bite you" was used in my family all the time as our mother would pull the lost item out of the drawer... (midwestern) Now with my sisters all we have to do is say "snake" and we can hear our mother's voice.

  4. =Tamar3:32 PM

    Sometimes when I am looking for something I find it helps to touch every surface and object.
