Tuesday, November 12, 2024

I'm sorry to have let you down. 

Helen is here and I am dictating to you this morning. I haven't heard from my sister since the election. I miss it as a source of irritation. Now I have nothing to think about except the dreadful state of British politics. I think I can remember a previous occasion longer ago than most can remember when a new Labour government was hoping to put everything right on the profits of 'growth', only there was no growth and things went on as bad as before if not worse. I fear that's where we are again. 

Oh dear, dictation is not a substitute for actual writing but I really can't see very well these days. 


Even that has deserted me. The Loch Lyne Mileses are on strike, something to do with the newsaper guild. My father, who was a newspaper man, didn't entirely approve of it and never joined. Just as my husband, who was an academic, never joined the association of university lecturers so I have no scruple whatsoever in crossing this virtual picket line. But the three Loch Fyne Mileses have dropped out,  Alexander giving up a winning streak of 104. My current streak is 17. Four today and Rachel Miles was the same but we haven't heard from Mark or the Americans. 


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Dear Jean

    So lovely to see a post from you. Welcome back! Elizabeth A

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Please thank Helen for helping keep us up to date. I think of you when doing Wordle and I need a “Jean word”.

    Phyllis in Florida, USA

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Jean, it is good to see you back. I am also on a Wordle/NYT Games and Cooking hiatus to honor the strike. I have nothing to say about the election that is printable, except that there is plenty of blame to go around and I am trying to buoy myself by thinking about what I can do to help those who will be harmed by the new administration. (I will probably be among them, as a woman and an academic, but I have privileges that so many do not.)

  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    It is wonderful to hear from you today!

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Hello Jean. So nice to hear from you today. Yesterday was my birthday, and this is a lovely present.

    Harriet in California

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      HBTY from a fellow Scorpion!!

  6. Anonymous3:49 PM

    It is so good to hear from you again. Thank Helen for her much-appreciated typing.
    -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

  7. Anonymous3:58 PM

    So great to hear from you! I had wondered whether perhaps dictation could be an option for you. I use it sometimes in my work and agree it is no substitute for writing oneself, but it can be useful in a pinch. Thanks for the reminder to go do my morning word puzzles!

  8. Anonymous5:58 PM

    No apologies needed; thank you to Helen and for letting us know all is well. Bonnie aka Knitsiam

  9. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Lovely to hear from you again.
    Helen (anon)

  10. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Your "Cat" from Downunder has been worried about you but did not like to worry Helen. (Thanks Helen!) I am trying to pack to move house but still keeping watch!

  11. So lovely to hear from you! Dictation is a great tool - use it at work and when I need hands-free at home. Excellent!

  12. Anonymous12:09 AM

    You haven’t let us down! I’m just so glad to hear from you!

  13. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Jean - lovely to hear your “voice.” I recently wore my Relax sweater and thought of you… you were the first to introduce it to me!

  14. Anonymous2:03 PM

    So wonderful to hear from you again Jean! I had missed you! USA

  15. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Have missed Perdita as well!

  16. I've been on a self-imposed news and social media blackout since the election, just too keep my sanity. I was teaching at a retreat in Wisconsin so had a nice bubble. On my drive I listened to Shakespeare, The Man Who Pays the Rent by Judi Dench. Wonderful book and perfect for the trip. So, I had no idea there was a strike!

  17. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Great to hear from you Jean! And thank you Helen for being the intermediary!

    Anna from the Netherlands. Autocorrect wants to change that into Netherworld - not quite yet!

  18. Anonymous8:29 PM

    So happy to hear from you, Jean, and many thanks to Helen for taking the dictation.
    We are rolling up our sleeves, us Democrats, to get to work. It is not a pretty picture here and I too am avoiding the news.
    A woman in one of my knitting classes was blind, but managed to knit. We still don't know how she did it. I'm not sure that is encouraging to you, but perhaps muscle memory could do it.
    I do see your photo on Instagram every now and then. You look good!
    Sarah in Manhattan

  19. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Thank you for the update and thank you Helen.

  20. =Tamar7:41 AM

    It's good to hear from you, however it happens. I found a striker website somewhere that had a variant of wordle they called strikle, but I lost the URL so I don't know if it has continued.
    Weather in MD continues cool but with colder nights and a threatened freeze this week.

  21. Anonymous2:00 PM

    It's comforting to hear from you, here in Kansas, and I wish you the best.

  22. Wonderful to hear from you! Have been worried. Give thanks to Helen,
    Marilyn from Chicago

  23. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Dear Jean, how lovely to see a fresh greeting from you. Your cheery blog is missed in my mornings. Hopefully we have not all annoyed your darling daughter which constant queries as to your well being. Fondly, Gemma.

  24. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Dear Jean. So good to hear from you. Anne in Manitoba.

  25. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Hurray! A post! Thanks Helen.
    Sending love

  26. Oh, so lovely and such a relief to read a post from you! We're all so pleased to hear from you, even just a short line to say 'I'm still here' is great. Good for you with keeping up with Wordle.

  27. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I’m in agree with other commenters. We readers appreciate any update available when you can.
    Have a calm week!

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Oops meant HK say this was Lisa in Toronto

  28. Anonymous11:37 AM

    My typing is pits. MEANT to say ….

  29. Anonymous9:51 PM


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  30. =Tamar11:37 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!

  31. From Jean's instagram account on Dec 19 with a photo of Jean, cat, and some of her family : "I’ve had a lovely wave of family visits. Here’s daughter Rachel with her son Joe and my great granddaughter Ella. Aged three and a half.

    I now have untreatable macular degeneration so sadly my knitting days are over."

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Joni, thank you so much for this message for those of us who haven't joined Instagram. A great relief to know she's having a happy Christmas.

    2. I had been wondering too, and though I don't use Instagram often, I do have an account to check on some people that post there regularly and forget to post in other places. Thought others would like to know she is doing okay

    3. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Joni, thank you so much for your post. It's good to hear from Jean again, through IG if not through her blog.
      -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

  32. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Joni, thank you for telling us about Jane. I don´t have Instagram and I was really worried. It is good to know she has merry Christmas days.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Ditto as I don't have IG either and was most concerned. So sorry to hear of the knitting change but I've family members that have managed macular degeneration for some years. They've maintained quality of life with a bit of adjustment and family support and trust Jean will fare equally well. Thank you for sharing.

  33. Anonymous6:54 AM

    if you don't have an instagram account it will let you see the first photos

    1. =Tamar11:27 PM

      Thank you!
      Happy New Year to all!

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  35. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Just to say that I visited Jean yesterday and we had a lovely hour of conversation. I was able to report that the first snowdrops were out in the communal garden across the road, as were the winter aconites and some hellebores. Perdita sat with us, enjoying Jean's exclusive attention. Paradox is flourishing in England, also enjoying being an Only Cat. We had a good talk about eccentric cats we had known and how this is part of their charm. We also discussed re-reading classic authors including Trollope and Austen, and how reading them at different life stages can change how the reader perceives the books and which individual books or characters one prefers. Jean is currently working through the Barchester Chronicles on. Audible. JennyS

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Thank you for sharing; miss the posts and wishing her well. Bonnie aka Knitsiam

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Ps it was Monday 13 January when I saw Jean.

  36. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Thanks, Jenny!

    Judith in Ottawa

  37. MaureenTakoma8:58 PM

    Many thanks for the update! I'm so glad Perdita is fulfilling her duties.

  38. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Thank you Jenny, it is lovely to hear about Jean and Perdita. I miss Jean’s updates, so this is precious.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      forgot to sign: Philhellene

  39. Anonymous11:41 PM

    There is a fabulous photo of Jean on her instagram cuddling with Perdita. Lovely to see you Jean.

  40. Hopefully this will let you see Jean's Instagram message to us https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFxSGklokXt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

    1. Anonymous11:52 PM

      Unfortunately the link doesn’t work but it is lovely to hear from Jean.

  41. Anonymous4:11 AM

    The link worked for me and it was wonderful to see you, Jean.
    Ron in Mexico
