I got another kind message from Ann yesterday, with the URL for the DNA scarf. I've downloaded and saved it. Many thanks! It mentions a date, too, which should help finding the magazine article and pattern if I want to -- I'm a founder-subscriber to IK, and have them all.
I've reached a (for me) happy point in Mungo's sweater --where almost every stripe I knit finishes off another skein of yarn.
I keep a record of yarn-in-and-out over the year in a spreadsheet. A pretty futile exercise -- but the figures for 2004 are exceptionally good, and I am delighted to be adding to the yarn-out column even in these last few dark, dark days. The spreadsheet has its uses, too, in restraining my hand occasionally when I am tempted to buy.
I sent packages off yesterday to Beijing (it may arrive in time for the Chinese New Year, if I'm lucky), Old Saybrook, Thessaloniki, Milngavie (it's pronounced "Mill-guy") and London, spending more thereby, I think, than I had spent on the presents inside. But it's done. Card-writing continues.
There were some questions and answers about Blogging on the Knitlist this morning. I think I see what can be done about pictures -- to get more than one into an entry. What I need is a couple of quiet hours to work on the problem, and that's what I see no prospect of.
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