My husband was much better yesterday. Tuesday night must have been the crisis point. The sun is shining brightly today, although it’s still cold – maybe we will go for a little walk in Drummond Place Gardens.
Rachel, thanks for the tip about your struggles with the problem of illustrating a Blog this week. My own procedure is very similar: I compose in MS Word, usually without pics but sometimes with, and save the result for archival purposes (rather like keeping carbon copies of one’s letters, back when one wrote letters). Then copy, and paste into Blogger, and try to import a picture or two. The first day of the trouble, I went back several times, like you, and tried to get the pictures in, figuring they’d have to fix this right away. Since then, as Blogger fails to play ball day after dayI’ve just use “Hello”, the program I used to use before Blogger supported pics at all.
We took it to London with us, and my husband used it to edit a few of his catalogue entries on the train. He’s perfectly happy tapping with the stylus on the little on-screen keyboard. Happier, in fact, than he is struggling with Windows XP and mouses on our new laptop in Strathardle (he still works with a DOS-based word procesor at home). And the work he did on the train has come flowing back into my desktop computer with no difficulty. Whence it can be translated downwards for his.
I love the Palm, and wish my own life were complicated enough to justify one. I know there are people with knitting software on theirs, but I can’t think of any way I’d benefit. Alas. I don’t want a mobile telephone or a camera or bluetooth, just a Palm with bottomless memory and a life’s work to put in it.
I’m up to the 14th scallop of my sister’s shawl edging. I should reach the fish-tail central scallop, no. 15, this evening. I’ve spent some time with Heirloom Knitting, but haven’t yet chosen my patterns for the centre bit.
Here (perhaps) is where I left the Princess for the time being: 64 rows of border.
Nope -- no image. What happens is that you click on the little picture icon, select the pic you want from the list on your own computer, click Upload Images, wait while a screen says it is being done, and then either see a completely empty screen (today), or a screen saying "Done" but when you click on that and go back to your deathless prose, there's no pic. Phooey.
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