Friday, May 02, 2008

I’ve finished the infinitely tedious 50-rounds-of-k2-p2 rib for Thomas’s first sock, and embarked on the leg which is to be a k6, p2 rib. The yarn is knitting up beautifully – there may be enough for a pic by the time I reach scarf-Sunday.

I warned you this would be boring.


I am glad to hear that sorrel is so widely known, if not used in the kitchen. I suspect that Mel, as so often, may have hit the nail on the head when he says that the weed of the same name is similar but not identical to the culinary sorrel. All of the books we own which might help with the question are shelved in Strathardle. I’ll investigate when next we’re there.

I had a look at Donna Druchunas’ charity knitting blog – the link provided by Mel, again. Had a nice time wandering around the rest of her blog, too. But I’ll hold off on the books for the time being.

Thanks, too, for the links about Adina’s departure from VK. It’s sad – she was good. It seems to me that VK remains confidently at the top of the non-fugly fashion-knit league, and has excellent articles to boot. Lily Chin’s series on shape and fit would be invaluable, I suspect, if I had the mental energy to face up to it. I’m glad at least that Adina's word “heartbreaking”, of her departure, didn’t mean that she was leaving to, e.g., nurse a dying child.


Today is the day, I hope, when we decide about going to London for a round of art. Or not, my preferred option. My husband seems to consider himself peppy enough to attempt it. All I want is to get back north to my vegetables. It’s May, for heaven’s sake.


  1. I left you a comment about this yesterday, but Blogger discarded it for some impenetrable reason. I used to chew on wild sorrel as a child: we called it 'soor dook' and it looked like this

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Alan Davidson's The Penguin companion to Food (a highly recommended book) tells us that two species of sorrel are eaten and cultivated, Rumex acetosa (common sorrel) and R. scutatus (round leafed or French sorrel) - 'these have been eaten as green vegetables since ancient times' . The French species is now the one most cultivated and eaten.

    you sound ready for the dinosaurs.

  3. more on sorrel:
    my Joy of Cooking tells me that Sorrel has a lot of oxalic acid and so you should always use stainless steel or enamel utensils to avoid rust. (Our copy of Joy seems to be from those long ago days before all kitchen steel was stainless?)
