Angel, be careful of that cough.
Three bits of knitterly news today – four, if you count Nancy Marchant’s sensational brioche stitch website that Else referred us to yesterday. I’ve tucked it away in the “Knitting Ideas and Thots” section of my web favourites, for much further study. I love that kind of knitting, including fisherman’s rib. “Fruity” was the word EZ chose for it, and it is the mot juste.
Here’s my news:
1) I have thought of a different approach to current multi-tasking: I will knit one repeat of the pattern of the Mysterious Christmas Project every day, before turning to the ASJ. The pattern consists of 14 kindergarten-simple rows, followed by a 15th which could only be Lynne Barr. I think doing it this way, instead of having a dedicated day, will speed the project along.
I sort of got started on Christmas list-making yesterday. Much as I hate deadline-knitting, there’s no doubt that everybody’s got the IWOOT catalogue but not everybody can knit. Is there time for a couple of hats, when the current project is finished? Or even (sans beads) the cosy-looking Moebius cowl of which the Faculty Meeting Knitter has already made two? And, come to think of it, I’ve got a Lynne Barr scarf in the UFO category. Finish it off? Still nearly two months to go.
2) I heard from Helylle Hantverk yesterday to my surprise, after five days’ silence, and ordered Rauma Finullgarn for the Grandson Sweater. So we shall see.
I am toying with the idea of a new year’s resolution – and I don’t normally go in for them, either – not to buy any yarn in ’10. With a proviso in advance that if anybody has a baby, I’ll knit it a Dream-in-Color Tulip Jacket. I was scrambling about in the stash the other day, looking for something, and reflected that there’s some really nice stuff there. A year wouldn’t make much impression on it.
3) Constant readers from way back will remember my obsession with the old Vogue Knitting Book, which was published in Britain from autumn, 1932, right through the war, and which finally expired in the late ‘60’s. The parallel America publication shared the first issue, then disappeared, then re-emerged late in the war.
I’ve got a lot of old VKB’s that I have saved from my own youth, and since I discovered eBay I have been trying to complete the collection. And in a sense, I’ve succeeded. In the sense that I’ve got a bound volume of the issues from the 1930’s (except for Number One, which I’ve got separately). But they were bound without covers and without advertising pages. Of complete, separate issues I still lack two.
Wartime issues might still be found carefully preserved in the archives of a sprightly great-aunt finally called to her reward – there have been a couple listed on eBay quite recently – but that’s now impossible for the first 10 years of publication.
After a long, long hiatus, one of the ones I lack is currently listed on eBay. It closes on the 5th of November, when we’ll be in London. I shall have to make arrangements.
If you are perusing hat patterns on Ravelry, take a look at the Claudia hat by JKim (I believe that is the correct designer). I just completed it, and found it an interesting knit that was over just when it started to lose interest. I like its sculptural quality. Mine is on my projects page, "donice".
ReplyDeleteI think that I saw you today, Jean. My route to Tesco took me near your house, and a couple were just leaving at 3.30pm. I was overcome with the thought that it might be you, and then a man in a red anorak started talking to you, if it was you. I was too shy to approach you. Your blog is on my Favourites list, and I read it every day.
ReplyDeleteJane-Beth, Edinburgh
The IWOOT website is very funny. Have you seen that you can search for gifts by choosing from a drop-down menu the recipient's personality, including "miserable sod?"
ReplyDeleteI've never been successful on a yarn diet yet (which is quite obvious). I think it's the thought of complete self-denial (obviously I'm not very good at that). However, I've had more success by making it a rule that I have to "shop" from the stash before I can buy anything. This year, it's been working. It keeps me from impulse purchases and stress-related purchases.
One of the reasons to be glad after a trip to China is unfettered access to blogpost blogs, with yours at the top of the list. I was happy to catch up with the Adult Surprise progress.
ReplyDeleteI think it will be very cheering in a grey winter.
Now I just have to work on my own orange cardigan ...
Lisa in Toronto