Early hair appointment today -- a big morale boost, but it leaves no time for early morning thinking.
This week's big job is to decide, at last, whether we are both going to London in mid-November or whether, as I would increasingly prefer, I will go alone while Rachel comes here. I put off raising the subject yesterday, but it's time to face up to it.
Archie reports from Athens that the dog remembers him -- I thought he would, but Archie was worried about it.
I've got about 10 rounds of sleeve knitting to go before starting the final garter-stitch border.
My sister took my father (nearly 90)off to Sydney at the beginning of the year. I stayed here and kept the garden watered etc. Despite that it was a break for both of us and I think we needed it. I have found however much you love and care for someone there are times when a break from routine can help revive both of us - but you might feel very differently - this is my father I am talking about, not my husband!