Monday, February 28, 2022


A depressing day, feeling as if everything is wrong, quite apart from the new fear of nuclear annihilation. C. has a cold, and stayed away for my sake. I didn’t go out: the hip was painful. Daniela gave me a massage; that helped. Helen came to see me this afternoon. She says the principal British supplier of mosaic materials is closing down – she doesn’t know what she will do. Other British mosaicists write to her for advice, and she has none to give. She also says that the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, for which her husband works in Thessaloniki, finds that all its work is drying up,  although for the moment the bank survives, and with it David’s job. When she left, I set to trying to buy “Strong Woman Stay Young” on your recommendation, Joni, and kept getting bizarre messages from Amazon (whom I use at least once a week, not only for books but for most of the other necessities of life) about the need to correct my address. I persevered; at last it accepted the order.


These events are totally unrelated but combine to create a feeling of unease.


Jenny, you’re probably right (comment yesterday) that I should see a dr about my hip. I fear he might recommend replacement, which I certainly don’t want, but it’s not a good idea to jump to conclusions.


On a brighter note, Wordle in five today, and there is only one more increase to do before it will be time for the lower border of the second cross-over front of the Aroon baby sweater. I did order Cully Swanson’s “Complete Surprise”. No difficulty with the address that time. I also received Lynn Barr’s scarf book, and enjoyed renewing my acquaintance with it.


  1. Dear Jean,
    I had pain in my hip when walking on concrete (still do) for 20 years. Doctors pretty much ignored my questions and complaints about it, until I went to an orthopedic doctor who x-rayed it. Turned out to be scoliosis of the spine and transferred pain from some very weak discs. No surgery, just a caution not to break those discs! I still have pain walking on concrete, but at least I know why.

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Has Helen seen the information about the mosaic floor found in a London construction site? It is beautiful!

  3. I found it very therapeutic to deliver a large bag of hats, scarves and mitts to our local Polish supermarket which is about to drive out to the border with Ukraine to deliver supplies. I bought a lot of tinned fish from their shelves to go as well. My husband pointed out that it probably was shipped in from Poland on their last trip.

  4. The ripple effects of all this war in the Ukraine? I forgot to do Wordle today! Must get right to it. I finished the shawl I was working on and sent it off to be photographed. I uses two colors of sock weight/fingering yarn. In the sample, one is variegated and one is solid. If any of your readers want to test knit, I'd love it!

    1. I would be interested in test knitting!

    2. I would be interested in test knitting.

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      My sympathies to Helen. Do not lose heart.. And knit (per EZ). I am knitting a tiny object for a doll right now and just finding the right yarn has taken me to four stores. Tomorrow will be the fifth and hopefully final. Until then no knitting. Lots of time to worry about Ukraine. Chloe

  5. =Tamar4:57 PM

    For what it's worth, astrologically (I know, I know) yesterday was a wretched day to try to do anything, so congratulations on forging ahead and making things work.

    I am not a doctor but it seems to me that if a massage can help, then the hip pain might be referred pain like Cam's. I wonder if more cushioned shoes might help reduce the step-impact. I know they sell cushioned insoles for people who don't want to wear running shoes all the time.

  6. I didn't see the earlier comment but strongly second the recommendation for the book Strong Women Stay Young. I bought it for my own mom probably 20 years ago now, and she started lifting weights. She's in great shape now at 75!
