Wednesday, September 28, 2022


I’m sorry for the gap. James’ and Cathy’s daughter Rachel was here for a visit, recovering from having completed her M.A. We had a nice time. She is of the generation that falls between stools – living at home rent-free in exchange for doing the family cooking (a good deal on both sides, I suspect), hoping for a job connected with Chinese art and meanwhile working in a London gallery. Her Chinese is fluent due to having grown up in Beijing.


I have embarked on the business end of Fergus’ Calcutta Cup sweater, and am wondering if I have bitten off too much. I am locating the cup and the date in the st st panels between the cable panels, and it means tbat there is an awful lot going on at once, including carrying the Calcutta Cup yarn behind while cabling. The first round seemed to take hours. The cable panel starts with a symbol identified on the page as CRP (or something like that). The inside back cover identifies that as Cable Left Purl, and the instructions for actually doing a Cable Left Purl are on yet another page. I’m getting the hang of it, but it’s slow. The st st panels have involved a lot of counting and I will just have to hope that the Cup is more or less centred in each. I hope I’ll be strong enough to finish the second round before I go to bed.


Wordle: Mary Lou, I don’t have an Ask Word Bot button with my scores. Perhaps you subscribe to the NYT and that’s a subscribers’ bonus? I was the dunce today – six.  Rachel got two; Ketki and Alexander and Mark, three; four for Thomas and Theo.


  1. =Tamar6:19 PM

    It's still only the first round or so. You'll get the hang of it. As for centering, a stitch or so more or less won't show on a trotting horse.

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I agree with Tamar, it takes a row or two to learn a pattern and those instructions seem confusing.
    I managed Wordle in 4 today. A very lucky guess. There seems to be a run of double letters. I hope this is not a spoiler for Jean's readers who have yet to complete today's word.

  3. Mary Lou9:54 PM

    You are correct Jean, I just looked, and it says "WordleBot is for Times Games, News or All Access subscribers only. " I am a subscriber. Re. the sweater, can you add the cup with duplicate stitch later?
