Sunday, October 23, 2022


A grey, dull day. I didn’t get out – this time, not because of my own idle decision, but because I was on my own. I need help getting myself and my walking-machine down the six steps from the front door to the pavement. Even more so, to get us back up again.


That didn’t stop me knitting. I finished the first cable section and its i-cord bind off. Here’s the whole thing so far:


Those narrow travelling-stitch panels in Clue Three will be attached to the outer, narrow edge of the cable sections. The finished one is on the upper right in this picture, in the shadow, easy to overlook. Will the new panels be tied around the waist?


Comments: Chloe (Friday): It is indeed a leap of faith to embark on such a project. But it’s faith in SW, who has a proven track record. I did a mystery shawl KAL once before, different designer, and the result was so boring that I’ve never woven in the ends. It’s still an odd thing to do, and so many of us, when there’s so much knitting clamouring to be done. The yarns were chosen open-eyed, and I think I’ve done well. I agree with you, Rebecca, that some of the colour choices are bizarre beyond belief.


Wordle: I was interested to hear of your Wordle discovery, Kathy. (Comment yesterday) My one yesterday was ISLED which means apparently, when used of a place, that it’s got islands around it. I’ll never be able to use it. I remain desperately fond, however, of NONIC: a British beer glass with that characteristic bump near the top.


We found today’s word tough. Theo was best, with four. Five for Ketki, Thomas and Mark, My undistinguished six was shared by Alexander, his sister Rachel, and his niece, the other Rachel.


  1. I missed today.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I totally failed Wordle today! This was only the second time three of the same letters were used in the word. I was annoyed to say the least.
    I find the colors in your MKAL to be quite wonderful. Will more be added to the length or is this a very short shawl?
    A day missed walking is not bad considering how much knitting you have accomplished.
    Sarah in Manhattan

  3. =Tamar11:20 PM

    I could imagine some different possible conclusions but they would take a very complicated clue to do it in one go. Does he give any color hints, like "this part should be done in a high contrast color"? Props to you for going for it, anyway.

  4. Mmm - much prefer your colours to the colours being used by a friend here - two quite muted purples and and a very "hot" pink. You are both about the same stage...and she failed at Wordle again. (I am still resisting even starting on Wordle or MKALs!)

  5. Janice5:07 AM

    I'm thinking it is more of a wrap but we'll see! I've done the left rays and cables of clue 2 and plan to continue with the left side of clue 3. That way I'll at least get part of clue 3 done before clue 4 drops.

  6. Exercise programs often advocate taking a day off per week... I am using a metronome to try and discover the speed at which I can keep going for 6 minutes before grinding to a halt to gulp air like a landed fish. Mad. But if I don't turn it into a game I will become mad too! That MKAL looks wonderfully mysterious

  7. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Thank you, Jean. This one certainly does not seem to be boring! Chloe

  8. Mary Lou5:59 PM

    I can hardly remember the word I used successfully today, never mind yesterday! I should jot it down, or snap a screen shot so I may participate in the conversation with some intelligent comments! I do really prefer you colors to many I’ve seen.
