Saturday, March 02, 2024

 I’m feeling a bit subdued, as for the last couple of days. No symptoms, no excuse. No knitting, either. I have always rejoiced in having a hobby that could follow me so far along the downward slope. I hope this doesn’t mean I’ve hit bottom.  I’m ready to start knitting the Calcutta Cup into the Spalding sweater.  Chart updated, stitches counted.

    Helen has been here again, and got some indoor gardening done. The  sweet peas in my salad machine were already getting too tall and floppy. They each now have their own pot.  Helen hopes to grow them to maturity indoors. She says our sunny doorstep is too windy. I’m dubious.

   Wordle: a three for me at last. I’ve now got a winning streak of 60 in pursuit of a maximum streak of 67. Getting scary.

   Four was the majority score today —  Mark and Theo joined me with 3; Rachel needed 5


  1. Mary Lou11:37 PM

    It took me SIX! It was one of those solutions that should have occured to me much sooner. I am in a knitting slump, as well. I should start some mittens to donate for next winter, at least I feel as though i have accomplished something!

  2. =Tamar11:38 PM

    The Cup is a complex part of the work, and getting it set up with the stitch count etc is a job well done. Find something cheerful to lift your mood.
    Chilly here. One daffodill bloomed.

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I hand a winning streak of 115 but went out of town for a couple of days and forgot about Wordle. Oh well.
    Unless you have a very bright window I don't think the sweet peas will do well indoors but it will be an interesting experiment.
    Judy in So California

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Perhaps you hit a knitting slump now and then in years previous but didn’t notice it because you were able to do more things back then. I think it is common for us at this time of year. Chloe
