Sunday, May 19, 2024

 And yet another May day. Helen and Fergus are safely back from their  overnight camping trip to Strathardle. They brought me pictures. Isn’t outdoors wonderful? Above all, isn’t May wonderful? 

   Little to report. I had another restless and uncomfortable night (sore hip, incipient bedsores on bottom — I have to sleep on my back— sore heels) and spent much of today sleeping in my chair to catch up. I’m never going to get out if I can’t get up some courage and stamina in the morning. Helen and the current carer are determined to get me out tomorrow.

   Knitting, however, went well. I finished the first repeat of the stripes on my MKAL shawl, and have advanced five rows into the second and much longer repeat. I should look up some of the stripes some of you must have posted by now. I am listening to an audiobook of Pride and Prejudice as I knit. Mercifully the reader does accents well.  Gosh, it’s good.

   C. came to see me, back from a successful visit to London.

  Wordle: four for me and Rachel and Mark (the day’s best score), five for Thomas, six for Alexander and Ketki. Five for Roger, six for Theo in DC. C. Isn’t a member of our little group, but we always compare Wordle scores when she comes to visit. She beat us all today — three.

   McPhee on Wordle in the New Yorker is only mildly interesting (see yesterday).  He doesn’t allow for those Wordle Specials — not infrequent — when you have three or four greens and too many possibilities and the result is pure luck. 



  1. I believe there are special mattresses one can buy to alleviate bed sores.

    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Yes and also shearling booties to prevent heel ulcers. Decubitus ulcers aka bedsores are not to be ignored.

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Jean can you tell us which audiobook of P and P you are enjoying.?
