Sunday, August 04, 2024

 On we go. I have been feeling seriously dim. Weather comme ci, comme ca, mostly ca.

   I am rrady to give up on poor Jeremy Bamber. Helen and her school friend have just breezed through — I won’t see her for another week — and I was able to introduce them to the Bamber website. Jacquie had no memory of the case at all. 

   I’ve got MeryLou’s pattern solidly into Ravelry. Tomorrow’s task must be to check needles and order if necessary.

     Meanwhile we’ e got a good essay from KD about More Work for the Undertaker. Maybe I should read it again. 

    Wordlr: familiar pattern, but I only scraped home with six. All real words too, no Jeans. Starters yielded two browns and a green. Line three made it three greens. Line four: four greens. Line five: no change. I was glad to get it in six.

   Four for Ketki  Rachel and Mark. Five for Thomas. A brilliant three for Alexander. Fives for Theo and Roger both.




  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Do you watch Olympics at all? Hours of strong people doing skilled things.
    Lisa R-R

  2. =Tamar2:49 AM

    One step at a time gets you there. Keep on!

  3. Glad you got the pattern. I just started Coroners Pidgin, so I'm behind! I like the shawl article
