Wednesday, October 06, 2021


Am I perhaps just slightly stronger? A week flat on my back except for walking to the bathroom and back (for that is what happened) is bound to have left its mark on one so old and feeble as I.


I tried knitting both the sock and the Poofle sweater today. (Is that what it’s called?) Neither went very smoothly. I have long congratulated myself on having a passion which requires so little energy. Surely I could go on knitting well into the feebleness of old age, I thot. It doesn’t seem to be working out like that. I think I’d better face up to wee Hamish’s Calcutta Cup vest, before Calcutta Cup day is upon us again. Maybe that will go better.


I have been surprised about all this news about the dangerousness of Facebook, and surprised, too (recent comments) that several of you hold aloof from it. I thought it was the most innocent of pastimes. For some reason – and long may it last – I get a notice among my emails whenever Franklin posts (which is almost daily). Occasionally I hear in that way from other “friends” – but they couldn’t post that rarely, not all of them.



  1. I am also a FB abstainer. I abhor Zuckerberg and the limitless greed, the power in the hands of the unelected. I'd much rather come here and hear from you and see a lovely new cat photo. (Who is that?)

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      I agree completely, Peggy.
      -- Gretchen (aka stashdragon)

  2. Those B vitamins will take a while to boost your system. Just eat regular meals ( and stay off the hooch) I choose not to post on my own Facebook page, but I enjoy seeing what friends put on theirs. It's the rather sinister harvesting of data that put a lot of people off.

  3. I am puzzled how this ex-employee got to testify. She seems rather minor and junior.

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Hoping you are resting up & soon returned to full vigor.

    Beverly in NJ
