Saturday, September 21, 2024

All well. I am sorry to be so unreliable. I’m feeling pretty well. 

I’ve done some knitting — indeed am near the point when I will divide the work at the armpits. I must send you a picture soon, MaryLou. My eyes are bad, and won't get better but I think I can hold on and finish it. There’s a good stripey  shawl in KD’s shawl book. I could knit that again.

Helen came this morning. We agreed on being bored with constant news stories about Mohammed al Fayed’s predatory ways. (Why is he all over the news of a sudden?)  And puzzled as to why nobody mentions Dodi and Diana who must be on everybody’s mind.

   Helen believes they were murdered because they threatened a major embarrassment to the royal family. I am a devoted follower of William of Ockham whose prime tenet is that the simplest explanation is usually the best, so my vote is that it was an accident. 

  Wordle: four for me today. I’ve got my winning streak back up to 19, after a double failure on the first and second of the month. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

  Nothing to report. I’m comfortable but  increasingly sleepy. I have been prescribed something based on a very modest dose of morphine but have resisted taking it (a) because I don’t need it; it is possible to manoeuvre the hip into a comfortable position; and  b) because morphine seems a step too far at this point in my general decline.

  I’ve finished Waugh’s Men at Arms and proceeded to Pinker’s famous Language Instinct. I think I must have read it long ago because I am assailed by the feeling (and it feels familiar) that Pinker himself doesn’t know enough languages. Is he just talking about English?

   I still haven’t figured out a way to resume knitting.

   Wordle: i am currently in the happy position of having scored three for four successive .days. Yesterday, at least, was pire fluke. My starters gave me three greens.  I thought of a word. I typed it in. It was right. It was only afterwards that I realised there were at least six other possibilities .

   Today I had two greens and two browns and may well have come up with the only answer. Everybody else on the home team had three as well except for Rachel and Ketki who both scored two.  Theo was another three. Roger was today’s dunce with four.



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 I’m sorry.for the gap. Nothing much is wrong — just feebleness. I lie here and listen to Audiobooks, which have improved out of all recognition in recent years. Much is available, intelligently read — often by the author — and unabridged. 

   I’ve listened to Brideshead recently — I don’t think it works any more as Catholic apologetic — and have gone on to Waugh’s WWII trilogy, Men at Arms. There’s lots of Church in that, too. We’ll see if it works. Book 3 is weaker than the other two

   No knitting. I don’t think this chair is quite suitable. I must think of a solution.

   I was disappointed not to have the presidential debate on the World Service, which I listen to all night. Never mind. I’ve got the flavour of it this morning. Harris did well, and may have moved the dial a notch or two in her favour

 Wordle: i failed on both the first and the second of the month. My winning streak is now up to nine. The secret is line three. If I can think of a fully-qualifying word for that one, all is well. This morning I had three browns and a green. I hate anagrams, but got it without too much difficulty. Yesterday I had two browns, a v and a c. I struggled to think of any word (my starters carry off five very useful consonants). When I got one, I typed it in with no confidence at all — and it was right.


Sunday, September 01, 2024

Every day I resolve to get my keyboard-and-,mouse organised. Every day I fail — more accurately, I don’t start. Here I am pecking with one finger again. Fortunately there is little to report.
   I have been singularly sleepy today. I don’t know whether it’s the sleep of the moribund or just making up for another uncomfortable night. Nights are fairly grim. No knitting, I’m afraid.
   And to add to this litany of woe, I failed at Wordle today. The winning streak was just over 40, and now it’s gone. I used a jean-word in line three. I must avoid that at all costs. Then I got stuck in a Wordle sprcial — four greens with the first letter missing. Pure luck. That’s no comfort.. 
   Three for Thomas and Rachel. Four for Mark and Alexander.Ketki nearly fell into my trap, but clambered out in time: five for her. No news from DC yet. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

 Am I slightly bettter? I hope so. I have been much hovered over by doctors today. Nothing much is wrong. Some of my numbers are slightly raised. They have stopped my “water pill” which certainly makes for a more comfortable life, but probably can’t go on

   Helen and David were here this morning, with the doctor. They will still be around tomorrow, then off to visit Davod’s mother in England somewhere.

   Wordle:  I cheated today — anything to keep the winning streak alive. I had two greens, in positions three and five, and a brown which had to be in position one or two. Most of the others had those two greens.

   Back and forth, up and down I went through the remaining letters, to no avail. So when Helen and David arrived I handed him the iPad. He saw the answer at once.  We scored four.

  Rachel had those two greens on line one and had to struggle all the way through to line five before she got it. Ketki and Mark did it in three. Fellow-fours from Alexander and Thomas. 

Three for Theo, four for Roger. Like Rachel, he had those two greens on line one.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Here we are.james was here over the weekend. He has given me. Bluetooth keyboard. Alexander and Ketki have been here today. They figured out how to connect it.`so we’re back in touch!
   Little has happened in my absence. James was here for three nights, sleeping on the dining room floor. It was nice to have Alexander and Ketki, too, although the whole performance has something the air of gathering round a deathbed. Helen and David are at Burnside until Wednesday or Thursday.
   I have enjoyed the Democratic convention enormously. my nephew Theo was there, contributing in some way — he’s a brilliant organiser. 
   Now we run up against a problem. i usually write the Wordle part of this blog flipping back and forth on the iPad — which at the moment is propped up securely so that I can see it as I type. I think the solution will be to type a Wordle section early in the day, before Bluetoothing. We may have to have American results a day late.
   Anyway, I scraped home with a six today, and very glad to have it. I had the four greens in line three. And then line four. And then line five. And i could still think of at least two possibilities for line six, but fortunately chose the right one. 
   I think Alexander also had six, and Ketki five. 
   I’ve figured out how to check without disturbing the iPad. We’re making progress here. Mark had a brilliant three, Thomas an even more brilliant two. His starter gave him one green vowel.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Not a bad day. Jenny, i am sure you’re right that I must be careful about abrupt  changes of position and attentive to blood pressure. They are trying to engage a separate carer to help the first one with transfers and personal cate. I tremble at the expense and will try hard to prove it unnecessary.

   Little else today. Some knitting. The baby sweater is looking wonderful and deserves to be finished but I wonder if I’ll make it. There’s still plenty of time.

   But mostly I have just lain here peacefully listening  to Middlemarch. It’s terribly good. During the night I listened to the Democratic Convention, perforce. What a pleasant voice for shouting  Michelle has! I am afraid Kamala is a bit shrill.

   Wordle:  Nicely divided today. Four for me and Rachel and Mark. Five for Alexander Astonishing twos for Ketki and her son Thomas. 

Across the pond, it was 5 for Roger and no news from Theo