Monday, February 24, 2014

The ninth repeat of the centre of the Unst Bridal Shawl is not quite finished after all – but nearly. My resolution remains firm, to lay it aside in favour of the Milano after the tenth repeat.

I enjoyed the Amirisu online magazine, and must go back to read the earlier issues. Those Mondrian socks!

Our clever television set found an episode of Yes, Minister for us the other day, on a channel called Gold. We watched it last night, and it knocked the knitting right out of my hands. Thirty years old and fresh as a daisy. I think it could be argued that it's even funnier than Fawlty Towers. Mrs Thatcher is said to have enjoyed it. The writers are careful never to use a gender-specific pronoun when referring to the Prime Minister.

So, Nana Go Go, we haven't watched the Bonnie Prince Charlie program yet, but it's salted down ready for us.

Discovered on Zite:

I seem to have run out of steam again.


  1. Agree entirely about those Mondrian socks, and the rest of the magazine. Thanks for pointing me to them, always something worth following up in your posts.

  2. Love "Yes, Minister"! I found that after watching "House of Cards." I'll have to see if Netflix has it on Instant to watch again. Delightful.

  3. =Tamar11:02 PM

    That cowl is gorgeous, isn't it! I'm a few inches into a plain purple cowl knitted in the round. Suddenly I am a million percent more sympathetic to your occasional doldrums with shawl borders.
