Tuesday, April 09, 2024

 More rain. Occasional glints of sunshine. But not what you’d call April.

   James and Cathy are gone, speeding southwards by rail if all has gone well. It was a good visit. I feel I could promise to come to see them in London soon. Not “denial” but — I can’t think of a word for it. A feeling that I’ll get better from this as from all other illnesses and misfortunes in life.

   Knitting has gone well. I have reached the marker I put in when picking up stitches, to separate the half-back-and-top-of-sleeve from the long slope down the front. When I reach the centre-back I pause and start the second half of the collar down at the bottom again.

   But my main source of vigour today has stemmed from Kate Davies’ Margery-Allingham-based knitting club. I’m even tempted to contemplate the KAL  especially as it’s based on the late novel — “Hide My Eyes” — which I had already started re-reading. I think Ive got them all in my Kindle.  Not that I don’t have plenty of knitting. Not that I need another shawl. But…

   Wordle: We found it hard. I was doing so badly, facing failure, indeed, that I typed in what I hoped was a rude word in French, for line four. Thinking of that VOILA the other day. Not only did Wordle accept it, but it gave me four greens. So five for me.

   Six for Theo and Mark. Ketki was with me on five.  Four for Thomas and Alexander. Rachel was today’s undoubted star, with three. Nothing from Roger yet.



  1. =Tamar6:09 AM

    Visiting can be invigorating and tiring at the same time. Odd.
    I escaped the rain temporarily by going to see friends and family in a drier area.

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Voila turns out to be a Scrabble word (darn) so consider that when you are guessing for Wordle. You can Google Scrabble words, but it might take the fun out of it. Chloe

  3. If you'd like to sign up for the new kal, if it will give you pleasure, then go for it. I never work on the 'do I need another...' principle. I only make things that I really really want to. 🙂
