Anne found it! (comment, yesterday) In the famous graveyard scene – “Alas, poor Yorick…” -- Laertes jumps into his sister Ophelia’s grave to embrace her body for the last time, after which he starts ranting and includes a reference to Pelion and to Olympus in his rant. A few moments later, Hamlet rants in his turn, and mentions Ossa, so that we may understand that the reference has not passed him by.
The New Yorker
The situation becomes clearer. The May 15 issue turned up here yesterday, with the Mother’s Day cover. I was glad to have had that explained in advance, but the one I was asking about, the one with the horrors-of-air-travel cover, was the one before, May 8. Mundi, I will certainly read Jhumpa Lahiri’s story. Thank you. My husband conscientiously reads them in date order, the oldest first, whenever we are in the country, but I allow myself more latitude.
And the other thing that turned up here yesterday was the Summer IK. I’m tempted by Kate Gilbert’s “Pea Pod Baby Set”, p. 37 – but how does Debbie Bliss’ Cotton Cashmere wash? – and admirous of the “Icarus Shawl”, p. 75. Why Icarus? One of the great losers of history, I should have thought. And I’m sure he never made a gauge swatch.
There’s a plug for The Princess Diaries on page 8. I long to get back to my own Princess.
I do admire Kate Gilbert: a name to watch. This game is much more fun now that we can watch names. The VK’s of my youth were very unforthcoming with designer’s names.
And I must move my own suri alpaca up the HALFPINT list. Wonderful stuff.

Don't worry about the weeds. They will be obliterated when I earth up the potatoes.
I have been seized, in this good weather, by a wish for a polo shirt. A collar is so much more flattering to the elderly face than the plain, round neck of a tee-shirt. All the ones I have found so far have brief, silly sleeves, clearly a design-feature of ’06 which must save the manufacturers millions but which doesn’t flatter the elderly upper arm.
I had a look at the CafePress selection last night: they’ve got a super polo shirt, sleeves and all, calling it a golf shirt. But Franklin has yet to include one in his collection. So I have left a comment on his blog, and my fingers are crossed. A polo shirt with Dolores on it would make my wardrobe perfect.
How right you are Jean!! I have been shopping for a full short sleeve polo since April. All the major stores have thousands of summer shirts in capped sleeves but no full short sleeve. And Iam also old but want to look good too. Even women in their 40's I think appreciate the full sleeve. It's sad that I have more money to spend on clothes and no choices!