I finished off the patterning of my sister’s sweater last night, and started picking up stitches for the edging. Trouble, here. I’ve been slipping the first stitch of each row, as per a previous discussion, and now have a nice chain edge – but there aren’t nearly enough stitches in it. Amedro essentially wants me to pick up one stitch from every row (not, every other row) and then reduce the number by roughly 5%. Whereas I am going to need to increase my total by roughly 50% (not, 100% as you might expect). Some creative fudging needed here. I don’t remember this problem when I was doing granddaughter Hellie’s shawl. Amedro’s prototype is in st st whereas mine is garter stitch. That may not be entirely irrelevant.
A more cheerful note: here is a picture (the one on the right, below) which arrived yesterday of Helen’s son the inimitable Fergus, wearing his wallaby.
The yarn is Rowan 4 ply soft, distinctly Louet Gems Merino-like in weight and twist. I knit Fergus a wallaby for Christmas, ’04, which immediately shrank. This is the replacement, none too large itself, finished at the end of last October. The pattern was generated by the Sweater Wizard. It’s one of those where you join body and sleeves and then have decrease rounds interspersed with plain ones until you get to the neck. The yoke has a sort of brocade knit-and-purl pattern which I got from a Woolgathering about the EPS. And the wallaby pouch comes from the Wonderful Wallaby pattern.

I was interested to learn from the interview with her in the recent Lace Symposium, that Meg has never knit anything from a pattern, except her mother’s.
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