Saturday, June 29, 2024

 A pleasant day, distinctly warm. No rain. I resumed knitting, at last. The new light certainly helps. I’m not so sure about the new glasses. So far I’ve done only one side of the current pattern round. I hope to finish the round this evening.

   Poor Mr Biden. There is an eloquent leader in the Economist, begging him to go, right now, for the sake of the western world. Never mind “western”. For the sake of the world. There’s lots of similar comment elsewhere but that’s the best I’ve read. I don’t think Jill is likely to be any help. Clinton and Obama combined might do it. It’s nice to have something to worry about.

   Helen came briefly this morning, before a day of teaching mosaic-making. News of Fergus continues good. He’s had his stitches out. He’ll be back here soon.

   Wordle: I failed! Such a relief after asking C. for help the other day. My starters gave me three browns. A fully legitimate line 3 advanced things not at all. Still three browns.

    Line 4 was a Jean-word (re-using a letter I had eliminated. No progress. Five was another Jean-word which at least gave me my first green of the day. Six was a fully qualified word and I typed it in, in full confidence.

   So, a busy and fruitless morning, achieving nothing but to relieve me of the burden of guilt.

   Three for Alexander. Four for Rachel and Mark. Five for Thomas and Ketki. In DC, six for Roger, five for Theo. I still don’t know what Roger and my sister think about current affairs. It’s a good deal less fun for them.


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Today’s Wordle was quite difficult for me, as well. I managed in six — Bot was more scathing than usual. What good is it to have reached a point where only X words remain (C being a small number), if one cannot think of ANY of them?

    All of the air has gone out of the universe for Americans who are not on the M*G* bandwagon. It is very, very bad (“it” chosen to be all-encompassing).

    I am three rows into the pattern chart for Kate’s Clue 2. A bit of solace.

    (This is The Other Kristen)

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I will happily cast my vote against Trump while being pleased we moved out of the US.
    I was lucky to score six in Wordle.
