Monday, February 19, 2024

 Another reasonable day — a bit less wonderful, weather-wise, but still pretty good. Helen has been working here all day — that’s always nice, even though we never meet. An old internet-blog friend came to see me and I disgraced myself by a major failing of memory. But we had a nice time, even so.

  And I did some knitting. When I achieve the desired length with this half-brioche for the body, I switch to a smaller-gauge needle and carry straight on with the st st  welt in a toning shade. There’s nothing in that prospect to slow me down. Then sleeves. But the shoulders are sufficiently dropped that that is not a terrifying prospect either. The broad st st neckband is very important.

   Thank you for “Black Lamb Grey Falcon” — comments yesterday. I’ve added it to my list. And for the encouraging remarks about Chinese vegetarian food. And about Lourdes. I remain very conflicted about that last one. A last chance to travel? I’ve got to decide any minute now. 

  Wordle: we were much divided today. I scored a dismal five. I got stuck with four greens, missing the fourth letter. The other poor scores —Rachel, six; Theo and Mark, five — had the same configuration. So did Roger, but he managed to wriggle out in four.

   Both Alexander and his wife Ketki scored two; their son Thomas, three. 



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I hope you consider the Lourdes trip, Jean. With some family or friends to help, you could at least consider it.
    And a bit more about Black Lamb Grey Falcon: It is very long...but it is broken into digestible chapters. The history is fascinating especially with all the strife in our world today. There is much about Muslims, Roman Christians and Orthodox Christians. And great long piece about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Rebecca West describes meeting the sister of the Serb who fired the fatal shot that started WWI. Between the history and her thoughts on women and the beautiful descriptions of landscape and cities, I continue to enjoy this book.
