Today we had a handover of carers. The current one is nicer, and at least I can feed my cat as much as she urgently wants. I think when we get things straightened out a bit I can also drink as much cider as I want — which is not that much. The current carer says that the alternate carer disapproves of her, too.
Neither of them is brilliant at housework.
I’ve finished reading Anne Patchett’s “The Dutch House”. Recommended. I don’t know whether to go on to her recent book or turn elsewhere. I finished my Queen Mother book. Even the captious author couldn’t find much to complain of in her behaviour during the war. Even for royals — perhaps especially for royals — having young teenaged daughters must have made the fear of invasion that bit worse.
No knitting so far today, but it’s early evening so far. I got a satisfactory amount done yesterday, and mean to start again soon.
Archie came today. We cooked lunch together. I didn’t care for it much, but he cleaned his plate. Eating with Archie is satisfactory that way, remembering restaurant meals in Italy.
Wordle: I scored three! the first for a while. My starters gave me two green vowels. WordleBot says there were 20 possible answers at that point, but I guessed right. Everybody found it pretty easy. Mark and Roger were the outliers with four, Thomas and Alexander (father and son) the stars with two. Threes for the rest of us.
I highly recommend Tom Lake by Patchet. If you decide to read it, I’d recommend watching the play Our Town first - it’s available on YouTube.