Saturday, March 30, 2024

 I’m very sorry about yesterday. I actually forgot. Nothing happened, anyway. Nor did anything happen today. It was a bit brighter, and now the sun is shining. We’ve just put the clocks forward. It’s nice to know that the sun could be shining at 6pm tomorrow.

  Knitting: I’m slowly, slowly binding off the body stitches of my Spalding pullover. I hope to finish this evening. I hope it’ll go faster from now on — but I hope that every time I finish a section, and it’s never true.

   Thanks for your hemming tip, Chloe (comment Thursday). In this case there is a fold line — a whole, agonising round of purling — which should have somewhat the same effect, if I have counted the rows accurately since and before. 

   Helen was here at midday. She had ambitious plans for recording a Youtube video about some mosaic technique, but was seduced by sunshine into spending the time in her garden, weeding. She hopes to be here in good time tomorrow for our salade nicoise.  Then London, for her.

   I’ve been reading “The Secret of Cooking” by Bee Wilson. Recommended, on the whole. She mentions at one point the experience of lockdown, when one was forced back onto cooking with what one actually had. Lady, that’s what it’s like in the country, every day. With a table-ful of ravenous adolescents, perhaps, who haven’t had access to a corner shop or junk food all day.

   Wordle: another day of threes and fours (I think yesterday was much the same),  Over here in GB, Rachel and I were the fours. In DC, Roger was the three and Theo the four.

    My starters gave me two green vowels and one brown consonant. After a struggle I thought of a fully qualifying but rather peculiar word. It helped, I now had three greens, and got the answer in the next line. In my early Wordle days, I often used a jean-word in line three, and often scored five as a result. Four is much commoner now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Have a Happy and Blessed Christmas, Jean.
    Ron in Mexico
