Saturday, June 01, 2024


June 1, and a truly summer’s day here.. Helen and Roger have sailed off into the western isles, and daughter-Helen has gone to London to meet her husband David and go off to a memorial service, in Waes I believe. Everything is suddenly very quiet here. C. is coming tomorrow. I am typing on the laptop’ in the kitchen. It is very hard to see the screen. I think maybe my eyesight has taken a lurch downwards – it’s very hard to read the screen.

   Knitting progresses. The rows are now unbelievably long. I have eight or nine more of them to finish before I am done with the first clue of the Allingham MKAL. I should just about do it before the next one comes in. I’ve re-read/listened to pretty well all of the books. Anonymous: I think Allingham’s beast are Traitor’s Purse (which you’ve already read), Tiger in the Smoke, and Hide my Eyes. All late, all London. I’ve got a couple more late ones to revisit – More Work for the Undertaker, and the one where Campion comes back from the war and gets held up in London by a murder before he can get down to the country to re-join his wife and the son he has never met before. (What’s that one called?)

   Wordle: My first starter gave me two greens and a brown today. I thought I’d try for a two. The attempt yielded nothing except, of course, one more place where the brown couldn’t go. I meekly  typed in my second starter. Another brown. I got it in four.

Rachel and Alexander did it in three. The rest of the cisatlantic team were fours, like me. In DC Theo was a most distinguished two, the best score of the day. And Roger another four – he, of curse, is not in DC but sailing out past Ardnamurchan Point.


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Maybe the brightness or font need to be adjusted for you to make using the laptop easier.
    Judy in Southern Calif

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      My thought also: adjust the brightness, it may be set very low from the last time you used it. Cam

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    And the font size can be changed as well.

    Sara in SE Arizona

  3. =Tamar3:13 AM

    A bright and hot summer day here in Maryland as well. For reasons unknown to me, there were fireworks in amounts that seemed officially organized.

  4. I can't remember the name of that book either. For some reason I thought it could be A Cargo of Eagles, which is to do with a fictional village on the Essex coast called Saltey', but without finding my copy I can't be sure. Wordle in 3; that was a bit of luck!
