We're going away to the country tomorrow, to chit my potatoes and be measured for a new stair carpet and receive a policeman who will come to inspect my husband's provision for keeping firearms. I'll work on Rachel's Koigu sweater.
This picture arrived today, without accompanying text. It is of my youngest granddaughter, Kirsty, who lives in Beijing. Her appearance here does not suggest, however, the arctic conditions of northern China in February. They must have gone off somewhere for the New Year holiday. (Kirsty has younger cousins on our side of the family, but they're all boys.)

I have lots of knitterly things to say. The Spring IK come today. Judith wrote to me about the Clapotis (http://knitty.com/ISSUEfall04/PATTclapotis.html) which everyone was talking about on the Knitlist the last time I was there. And, hey! I like it. When we get back I will find out what weight of yarn is specified, and examine my stash. I like the designer's Blog, too -- she writes well, and lives in Paris. But it is in very small, faint type on a white background and involves altogether too much eye-work. Not least of the things I love about Queer Joe is that he is legible.
Judith also recommended the group Knitting Beyond the Hebrides. I've joined, and like it, and hope not to be overwhelmed by the number of messages. http://www.knittingbeyondthehebrides.org/
Meanwhile Rachel and part of her family are here. Alexander and his family drove over from the west coast today. When we get back, I will produce pictures of Rachel holding up her Fair Isle jacket; and of Thomas Miles, Thomas the Younger, wearing the Wallaby I knit for his cousin Fergus for Christmas. It shrank.
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