Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Little to report. I'm working on Repeat #30 of the Princess Shawl edging. I guess when that is done, I will be within sight of half-way (42 1/2 repeats). Understanding of the pattern continues to improve. And I've finished the ribbing of the second sleeve of the striped Koigu, and started putting in some stripes. I was just starting this project when I had my eye replacement operation in June. I told Dr Dhillon, who feigned interest, that I would have it finished by the time I saw him again, this coming Saturday. I'm not going to make it. Could I perhaps have finished and attached the second sleeve, knit the button strips, and picked up stitches for the collar by Saturday? In that state, I could take it along to the appointment. That's not really very likely, either.

Knitting Blogs and Correspondence

Don't miss "You Knit What??" ( It's a riot. And I had a nice note from Jayne yesterday, saying that she likes pictures of bloggers' surroundings. The blog I like best for photography is Too Much Wool ( She's really good. Today, in honour of the thought, I will take a picture of Drummond Place, including our front door, as I come back from buying our newspapers and milk in an hour or so. If you have a map of central Edinburgh, Drummond Place is the horseshoe-shaped bit in the upper right, referred to however by its occupants as "the square".

Heidi wrote to say that the Answer to Everything, in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe, is 42. Not 43, as I mistakenly suggested yesterday. It makes all the difference. She made the whole thing sound so interesting that I went out and bought the book. I've never read it, nor heard it on the radio. But I did struggle with a computer game, once, back in the days when computer adventure games were entirely text-based, if you can imagine such a state of affairs. Heidi says it's hot and humid in Gothenburg, just as it is in Edinburgh.

Sheila posted a comment (I love comments) to say that Kaffe's kits sometimes turn up on Ebay. I will investigate that. Our daughter Helen will arrive from Thessaloniki on Saturday with her three fierce boys. She'll spend that night here, and then go on up to Strathardle on Sunday. We'll go up by train to Pitlochry on Monday -- I wonder if I will be able to find my vegetables under the weeds? However, that's not the point: she has recently discovered Ebay; packages have been arriving here by every post. She can teach me about it. Apart from Kaffe, I am trying to gather in as much as possible of the old, British Vogue Knitting Book. It was published from the 30's until the late 60's. I've got most of the post-war ones, and one pre-war.


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