So I went for millepassuum which is Miles in Latin. As I suspected, nobody else wants that one. I think I’ll leave the whole topic now until we get back from London.
So, knitting

A little while ago my friend Helen showed me a navy blue gansey which had belonged to her father, knit on Eriskay I think she said. It was stunning in every detail, not least a split collar with silver-type buttons. And it didn’t hesitate to include stretches of plain st st.
With that in mind, I abandoned plans for double moss st and did a couple of inches plain at the top of the back, carrying the seven-stitch strips of broken rib up to the shoulder. The same strips will appear on the shoulder straps and run down the otherwise-plain sleeves.
This is a front view:

Here in Edinburgh, I’ve finished the first Calcutta Cup sleeve and started the second. Two-circular knitting has been resumed, and feels very clumsy, but at least I’ve started and it won’t last long.
We’re going to London tomorrow. I’ll try to log in from there at some point. Deidra, Oyster cards are a London thing, well worth getting if you’re going to be there a few days. You pay for bus and tube and rail journeys by swiping the card, and you go to the newsagent and get more money squirted into it when necessary. It’s great fun, and journeys paid for by Oyster Card are actually somewhat cheaper.