Not much further forward, but perhaps a little. No knitting. Daniela administered a bath this morning and I spent the rest of the morning wondering whether that might not have been a step too far. I spent the afternoon in bed, dozing, and feel somewhat better. I recognise the truth of what you say, Tamar – that if an antibiotic has improved my condition, it must be due to something other than viral ailments. My sister also thought I needed an antibiotic although she seemed to think that the one chosen was a bit feeble. There’s only one more day of it. Sometimes one feels better simply because the course of antibiotics has ended. The doctor who came here said to phone again when the course was finished, if I wasn’t better. I’ll leave that until Monday. (GPs no longer work weekends – there’s an emergency service.)
Current affairs: I
am not black, but I’m also not British, and I am often asked where I’m from. I’m
not offended. It seems a reasonable conversation-starter.
It occurred to me
as I was drifting back towards consciousness from my pleasant nap, that the King
is updating the monarchy much as the Papacy has been updated. Except that in
the latter case it was pleasantly gradual, starting perhaps with John XXIII.
Whereas the monarchy has gone from Pius XII to Francis in a single leap.
Wordle: Five,
today, my least-liked score. I got three greens at the beginning of the word,
and guessed wrong twice. Four was the big score today. Ketki and Theo joined me
with five. And Theo’s father Roger, now presumably safely although wearily back
in DC, was today’s winner with a three.