Weavinfool — we call it the Downstairs Lavatory after the one we had in Birmingham for many years, which really was downstairs, and similarly small. You’re right — the living accommodation here is all on one level. Thank goodness.
Thinking about yesterday, I think that care home is out. for lack of a garden. The limited area surrounding it had grass and bushes and could be accessed with some difficulty through the demented section, but it wasn’t a garden. I probably should give more weight to the way people were sitting about talking to each other.
And I mustn’t neglect giving weight to my cat and my cider, the one impossible, the other limited, in any care home. I think I can stay here for much the same cost as a la-di-da care home, with my cat and my cider and some considerable choice of food and lots of visitors. And sit out on the step in good weather and garden in my pots.
I’m reading Ann Patchett’s “The Dutch House”. Recommended. I found I had credit available to buy the unabridged audible version for free, so I am also listening to it while I knit.
Wordle: another toughie. For the third day hand-running, my two starters yielded only one brown vowel. Admittedly, it was a different vowel today. I scraped home with five, and that’s January done. I failed both on the first and the second, so my winning streak is as long as the year, minus two. Having said which, i’ll probably fail tomorrow.
Rachel and Ketki and Roger and I were the fives; four elsewhere.