We’re having a nice time. I’m reading Allingham and knitting the MKAL. I think I will have finished the first clue by the time the next is issued. The only other time I did an MKAL it was a Stephen-and-Penelope number and although I was stronger in those days I was perennially behind and in fact never finished it.
Roger and sister-Helen are visiting the sights of Edinburgh in the intervals of visiting me.
For actual reading, I’ve finished Dancers in Mourning (which is in the club) which I didn’t think much of, and have gone on to The Fashion in Shrouds (which is not) and for which I thank you, Kirsten. I actually wonder whether I’ve ever finished Dancers in Mourning before. The beginning was familiar. I’ve been there. I didn’t own it, unlike the others, and therefore had to buy it. Maybe I never finished it.
I’ve certainly read The Fashion in Shrouds before, and I remember it fairly well. I think Amanda is about to reappear. She’s pivotal in Traitor’s Purse, which comes next and which is the first (according to me) of Allingham’s truly greats. .
Wordle: it’s fun having Roger here, who is a member of my little Wordle group. Sister-Helen stoutly refuses to join — I think she’d enjoy it — because she eschews competitiveness. I try to tell her that we’re not competitive, it’s just interesting to compare scores, and indeed never was there a game so remote from competition.
I must apologise to any of you who have been reading my daily bulletins as competitive.
Nothing much has happened lately. Threes and fours all round. My winning streak is now 21 or 22. Normal service will probably resume tomorrow, depending a bit on your response. .