Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another good day with the shawl. Perhaps a pic tomorrow, showing how the decreases have swallowed a column of roundels. Which means, four columns of roundels, one at each side of each wing.

And I have remembered the project I really ought to turn to next…

An earflap hat – although fashion has presumably moved on by now – for Rachel-the-Younger. My first attempt, earlier this year, never completed its journey to Beijing. Rachel will be here for Christmas. This one could be presented personally. This particular pattern is Japanese, and should be a relatively easy first attempt at decipherment, atoning for my failure to attend Donna Druchunas’ classes on the subject at Knit Camp. The Shetland jumper-weight stash should provide plenty of material.

(The wretched printer will still scan, at least. Thank you for your comments about my mishap. Hsknitter, you’re probably right that a replacement printer won’t break the bank. I’ll try superglue first, of course. Anne, your eloquent little essay on Little Plastic Bits that Break Off deserves to be widely read. Comments, Friday, for both.)

In thinking about the future, I keep mentally circling around the Anhinga pattern. I don’t think it would suit me, or anyone I knit for, but it continues to fascinate. Helen CKS made one. I must discuss it with her.

On-going narratives

The salsola soda I finally succeeded in germinating on the doorstep, survived in the wild but made very little further progress. Alexander says his carrots behaved like that this year. I think I’ll abandon the attempt – especially as I have mentally filled the available vegetable-growing space for next year twice over already.

I still walk fast around Drummond Place garden most mornings listening to Italian radio on my MP3 player. I even jog a few steps during each circuit – are you allowed to do that if you’re not wearing trainers? Last night I was struck with muscular pain in my left leg which will curtail this activity for a couple of days.

I still weigh roughly two stone less than I did early last year, but lately a couple of unwanted pounds seem to have come to stay. Weight varies from day to day by as much as 2 ½ pounds in either direction, so it is not entirely easy to tell. You’ve got to watch for trends. I have relaxed a bit on cider lately since it didn’t seem to be doing any harm, but am now reverting to the full rigour of my system: only-on-Sunday. I remember writing here last year that my somewhat improved spirits during the dark weeks which are soon to start, might be due to Vitamin D or might be due to lo-cider, since alcohol is depressing. (Or might be illusory.) So it’s a good moment to cut back.


  1. Jean, you might try this site for help with your printer: I used it a couple of months ago to fix my four-year-old HP photo printer, which was telling me that its print head had failed (a problem that HP considers "fatal" in its own support documents). I was able to find a software patch via this site -- a patch that had once been on HP's site, but had been removed (in order, I suspect, to prod feisty consumers to give up on repair and just buy a new printer, already). It worked perfectly, and now, so does my printer. I do not know how much help the site offers for mechanical problems, but it's worth a try. Good luck!

  2. I really like the eloquent rant about little plastic things! I recently had three little plastic lips break off my washing machine and the detergent dispenser drawer will no longer slide in and out and if you leave it out, as I thought would work, you and the kitchen get sprayed with water! A repair is impossible, apparently the little plastic things cannot be refitted so duct tape and not using the drawer is the only answer. I remember the two indispensible repair tools; duct tape for things that move when they should not and WD40 for things that will not move when they should! It works for me.
