Friday, August 02, 2019

Another good day. Perhaps I am gradually recovering from England. My personal trainer came – I had to put her off last week; I was too feeble. This time I could scarcely drag myself to the door, but, as ever, felt vastly rejuvenated after our session. I am determined to do a 10-15 minute exercise session every day on my own, as well as circumnavigating the garden. We shall see.

But tomorrow Greek Helen is taking me to a Point of Cultural Interest.

And I am perhaps two and a half rows forrad’er with the Spring Shawl. The final lace diamonds are done – nothing, now, except the end game.

Forrad’er, too, with “Wives and Daughters”. That is an interesting comparison, Shandy, with my beloved “Mansfield Park”. You set me thinking again about the wonderful passage in which almost the whole party goes to call on Mr Rushworth and his mother. Austen is as good as Evelyn Waugh there, at reporting what people do and say and allowing us to understand what they think and feel.

Mary Lou, do seek out William Trevor.

I've now got some wedding photographs in my telephone, but can't figure out how to get them out into the real world. I'll get Archie on the job.


  1. I have discovered a 'ballet for seniors' website; a ballet teacher daughter goes through a simple routine with her mother who looks to be about my age (62). I've always wanted to be a ballerina... Not much chance of that these days but doing gentle Plies and battements while holding onto the back of a dining chair is very satisfying, and about my level.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Kirsten, can you share the website? Ballet for seniors sounds just lovely. (Knitting and so much more on your blog, Jean - something g of a salon.)

    2. It is
      I enjoy the 'home-made' feel to the videos. I've only tackled the first sequence so far; I get breathless very quickly with most forms of exercise (lung fibrosis) but can just about manage this!

  2. It sounds like exercise is a good answer. Keep it up! Are you motivated by such things as Fitbits? I do like mine.

  3. I think the relationships in "W and D" also bear some similarity to "Mansfield Park". Fanny learns to love Edmund as a mentor first and the same can be said of the brother/sister relationship of Molly and Roger. These relationships must have looked different to a reader at the time when cousin marriage was more common than it is now.
