Wednesday, February 28, 2024


This is a departure. I’m back in the Catalogue Room, trying to write to you on my aged mobile computer. After all these weeks, it seems slower and stiffer even than I am, and (so far) I can’t load Freecell. I always liked to start with a couple of hands of that. It’s bliss to be back to an actual keyboard.

      Not much to report, either. I’ve successfully plotted “TheCalcuttaCup ‘24” and done a bit more knitting. I think I’m nearly ready to plunge in, and have decided to knit the motif only once, and to keep the knitting circular by cutting the contrast yarn after every row.

     I’m feeling a certain amount of mental sludge. Hard to express, but a sudden awareness of diminishing acuity.

    Comments: You may well be right, Catdownunder, that Prince William was absent from his godfather’ memorial service because of the sudden death of Thomas Kingston. How is he (Prince William) related to Lady Gabriella? (This will sound like gibberish. See yesterday’s comment for a starter.) My mother was brilliant at relationships and could spot a second cousin twice removed at fifty paces. I enjoy it, but can’t, in this case, be bothered to figure out exactly where Prince and Princess Michael of Kent fit into the scheme of things.

    The whole point of being back here in the catalogue room is to show you pictures. I’ll skip great-grandchildren for the moment to show you snowdrops from Helen’s recent visit to Burnside.

   And a picture of Paradox having a nap in her new home in the south of England. There is no doubt that both she and Perdita are much happier cats now that there are hundreds of miles between them.

   Wordle: another day of predominantly fours. Alexander had a five (I didn’t think it was all that easy, either) and Mark a three. Theo was another four, in DC, and, as has happened before, we haven’t heard from Roger yet.


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    BBC said that death of Lady G's husband was not related to Prince W's absence. Was re a 'personal matter' - none of our business!

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Paradox still has her glorious tail, I see

  3. That is a very contented cat!

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I'm always glad to see Paradox and Perdita happy with the new situation, even though it was painful for you. Snowdrops don't grow where I am but I enjoy seeing them!

    1. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Loretta not Anonymous...

  5. Anonymous1:51 AM

    I saw snowdrops today in Toronto. That was thrilling.
    Thanks for the photo!
    Lisa R-R

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The picture with the snowdrops is idyllic and I want to rub that furry little tummy. Chloe
