Thursday, April 08, 2010

Hard to get started, this morning, and now time’s nearly up.
Here is Tier Four of the jabot, being blocked:
It looks very like Tier Three.

Here is the jabot with four tiers pinned in place – that’s really enough, but for Chinese superstition.
I am well embarked on Tier Five. It is slightly larger than Three and Four, and uses a different lace for the central rectangle. The rectangle won’t show at all – it’s just to amuse me. And I’ve chosen one, Leaf Lace, HK p. 65, which is chock-a-block with K3tog’s, and slo-o-o-ow. Still, it makes a change.

And when it comes time for sewing, as it will soon, I will repeat your comment as a mantra, Mel, with every breath I draw: slow and steady. If I need gathering threads and/or basting threads, I will put them in. The ball isn’t until November. There’s no hurry.

I have discovered that Blogger allows me ten fixed pages – I mean to write out the procedure for jabot-knitting and have it permanently available. Or as permanently as this transitory medium allows. I think maybe I should do a page for Lizzie’s First Holy Communion veil, which was repeated and improved for Rachel and Kirsty in Beijing. That page already exists, as part of the detritus from my abandoned website. It’s just a matter of bestirring myself.

The point being, of course, that I don’t think there are patterns for either “out there” – except, now, Joannie’s jabot pattern on Ravelry.


What else? – I’m having a nice time with Steig Larssen. Never mind the danger that I might let slip a spoiler – he completely gives away Volume 1 in Volume 2, and even more so, 2 in 3. You’ve got to read them in order, or you might as well not bother. And it’s not entirely easy, now that all three are in paperback and the titles absolutely indistinguishable. I don’t remember any other thriller author doing that – little teasers to induce you read the earlier books, yes. This is different.

I didn’t hear from my friend’s virus yesterday, and rather missed it – but one has turned up this morning, so that’s OK. Comments continue to pile in for Friday the 13th of November last year. I’ve never had a deluge quite like this. I remind myself – slow and steady – that I don’t need to rush off and delete them in Blogger every time one pops up in my inbox. They haven’t been published. They can wait until I get around to zapping them.

And – it’s spring. It really is, this week at last. Next week, we hope for Strathardle. Maybe I can get started on this year’s garden at last.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    You have really cracked it. The jabot is lovely.

  2. Gerri3:43 PM

    Jean, the jabot is indeed lovely. I do think, however, that you made the right choice to add one more layer. That said, give my comment the weight any comment on a Scottish jabot deserves from a US-born citizen of Italian descent. I suppose that qualifies as a foreigner at the ball.

  3. Why not post it on Ravelry? It doesn't have to have a price on it.

  4. I drool over this jabot. You said the middle was Razor Shell from Heirloom knits, yes? But what's the edging? I think I want to make a wrap with this pattern.

  5. Gail (nosenabook)3:55 PM

    Jean, Your jabot is wonderful. I much prefer the fullness of your four layer version to the other three layer versions. Personal preference, I guess.

    The final jabot in five layers will be a frothy spill of lace, and an ornament. Does the outfit have lace cuffs? It may require them now! Just to look properly expensive, you know.
