Saturday, February 21, 2015

I will be brief.

The iPad died on me yesterday. I opened it and found the screen totally unresponsive – no fingerprint, wouldn't let me type in the code, couldn't press Cancel. Nada. I left it for awhile to think about things, and when I looked again the screen was blank. Blackness.

I charged it (and it made that sweet little responsive noise when I plugged it in), although I think the battery was about 30% full. I looked up Apple's help pages and tried to follow the instructions for Restarting and then for Rebooting, to no avail. So I'm going up to John Lewis now before the Saturday crowds get there and while I still have some puff.


  1. Oh no....hope the problem is very quickly fixed!

  2. How enormously disappointing! Thank goodness you went to a place where you can slap it on the counter and say"Fix it!", rather than having to mess around with phone calls and posting.

  3. skeindalous12:10 PM

    Curiouser and curiouser.

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I know my Nook and Kindle tablets would consider 30% critically low. Suspect you should form the habit of putting your Ipad on charge when you go to bed nightly. Hope that's your only problem!

  5. Hopefully it just needed a hard reset, where you hold down both the on/off button and the home buttons. My iPhone 6 did this to me after I had only had it a few days, I called Apple in a panic and they said to try this first. I had to hold the buttons down, together, for at least 15 seconds and even the Apple help guy was ready to give up when it finally responded. Fingers crossed that your iPad does the same!

    1. Maureen in Fargo, you made my suggestion.
      It's the old first step of Turn Everything Off. Then back on. My television has started to require this...

    2. As former tech support, yup, the first thing to try is always reboot. Programs can interact and hang each other up and honestly, rebooting fixes things a good bit of the time.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    It is the jealous ghost of the old iPad. Proof positive it is still somewhere in the house.

    Beverly n NJ

  7. hope you were able to restart or went back to John Lewis! thats so annoying for a new item! now here's hoping you come back home and find the original one!
