Sunday, January 02, 2022


Briefly, this evening:


I didn’t feel well this morning, and so didn’t walk. That was a shame, as it was a nice day. It’s beginning to sound stormy out there now.


I knit on, but not very far. My fingers aren’t doing as well as I boasted yesterday, but I hope they’ll get the hang of it soon. The pattern is an easy one: I think that makes it harder. A picture wouldn’t hurt, to get us all back in the saddle. Tomorrow.


Crochet66 (comment yesterday) – yes, indeedy! Measure the boy! I have emailed C. with a note of the measurements I want. She looks after him a day or two a week, while Mummy works, so that should be perfectly feasible. Other suggestions yesterday were helpful too, and will be taken into consideration.


My salad machine continues to make rapid strides. I think it will be a fortnight on Wednesday since I launched it. I’ll take a picture of it then.


The hardest part of Dry January is now behind me. Henceforth it’s just a matter of the long slog.


  1. Happy New Year Jean!
    I look forward to photos of your "salad machine" and your progress on the vest.
    I am knitting a sweater for a little girl now, and the directions for a 12 to 18 month child is 7 1/2" to the armhole, if that is a help.
    Getting his measurements is the best solution.
    I continue to always look for your posts!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And I just sent the pattern to see if the measurements help. Also, I stumbled across a Kindle version of two early Nancy Mitford books, Christmas Pudding, and Pigeon
    Pie. I just started the first, so can't tell much. I did enjoy the introduction, however.

  4. I'm surprised that you need a Dry January - I had thought you had signed the pledge after your health scare. "Neither touch, taste, nor handle..." My mother was a member of the Band of Hope in her early youth and my father used to tease her about it.

  5. =Tamar4:24 PM

    Stormy here, too. First snow of the winter here in central Maryland, and it's at least six inches deep.
    I hope you feel better soon. Gaze at the growing salad and remember spring is coming.
