Saturday, February 12, 2022


I got Wordle in three this morning – good luck, rather than good management.


On the other hand, we’ve got another weekend of international rugby in progress: Scotland lost to Wales by a fingernail. France were leading Ireland the last I heard, but I’m not strong enough to watch it. England will beat Italy tomorrow: poor Italy never win.


Scotland-Wales was good for knitting. I’m now within two inches of the shoulder of Mary Lou’s “Aroon”. One starts at the lower back.  Paradox is in heat. One of her symptoms is that she carries knitting around the house like surrogate kittens. I had trouble yesterday, although no lasting damage was done.  I put it away more cautiously this evening.


Helen’s husband David is here for a few days. He came to see me this morning, while Helen taught a mosaic class. We got around the garden. It was another vernal day. I felt – I feel -- feebler than ever. David works for the Black Sea Trade and Investment Bank in Thessaloniki. He says that both Russia and Ukraine are among its sponsors (or even: are its sole sponsors?) so he wonders what effect world affairs are going to have on him.



  1. =Tamar8:46 PM

    I wonder, is it surrogate kittens, or is it nest-making materials?

  2. The primary aspect I understand about the Ukraine and Russia is that Russia wants to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. It would be interesting to hear David's take on the details.

  3. I knew one cat owner who made 'puffles', little soft toys for her cat to carry around the house when the mood came upon her. Perhaps you could give Paradox her own knitting to look after?
