Friday, September 15, 2023

Eventful. Lousy-looking weather, though.

   A) Alexander says the gas leak has been fixed, and that therefore I can leave Cramond on the 21st. No details, about the leak. I am nervous about leaving, after being lapped in unseasoned luxury for two and a half months. Helen fears I need more care than a carer (Wafa) can provide, but I don’t think that is true at the moment. It probably will be soon.

   (B) and (C) suddenly the rest of the day doesn’t seem interesting
  (D) I’m in trouble with the knitting.

I finished the ribbing and embarked on the first pattern row. It was/is perfectly simple if you are familiar with travelling stitches. I should have practiced in advance. Towards the end of the round I counted ahead and saw that the pattern repeats were not going to coincide with the end of the round. So I ripped it all out and laboriously recaptured the stitches and knit the first round, pausing after every 18-stitch repeat to count and to move the marker. It came out even: 14 repeats.

I knit more than half of the second round. I feel I am beginning to get the hang of it.

I noticed that my beautiful, deep, twisted-stitch rib was now on the inside. Not a twist but a short round — somewhere or other I turned around and went in the other direction. I can’t find the place, so it’s probably at the beginning. I fear I’ll have to frog back to there and start the pattern again. I’ll leave it for tonight. Maybe by tomorrow morning I will have decided on an inferior fudge.

Wordle: it looks as if today we have achieved the nirvana I have long hoped for: we all have the same score, namely four. But Mark hasn’t been heard from so could still spoil it all. I have more to say about how I arrived at my four and will have to hope I can remember until tomorrow.


  1. =Tamar2:35 AM

    Hurrah for repaired gas. Is the plumbing in the downstairs lav also repaired?
    It's good that you can catch the errors by looking at the knitting. Annoying but necessary to take things out.
    As you mentioned, the walk through the flat will automatically provide exercise.
    Weather in Maryland was very fine today. And Mercury has finally gone direct!

  2. Mary Lou6:21 PM

    Good news on the gas! And while you may reach the point where you need more help than Wafa can provide, you will be able to make the decision in the measured manner, separate from hip replacement, hospital stays, etc. I do hope you discovered a fudge. A short row, if it doesn't interfere with the pattern, can't hurt! Wordle in three today!
