Friday, February 16, 2024

 Sunshine again, but today for the first time this year it felt like real spring sunshine, warm through the window. 

  I measured my knitting this morning on the kitchen table: 10 1/2” out of a necessary 12”. To be followed by a broad st st welt to be knit in a toning shade of Brooklyn Tweed “Tones”. But before that, the sleeves, still in half-brioche stitch in the original yarn. Still, I’m making progress. 

  I finished “The Whalebone Theatre”. The war certainly splits it in half. Perhaps I feel that the whalebone theatre itself is not quite strong enough a motif to hold things together. Or plausible enough. The book is highly recommended, in any case. I wonder how it was done. The scenes in occupied Paris feel absolutely authentic, but the author couldn’t be that old. 

  I’ve gone on to Robin Lane Fox on the Iliad, in Audible. I suspect I will leave it entirely audible, and buy something trashy for actual reading. But what?

   Helen has been working here again today, but I haven’t seen much of her. We think we have straightened out all our financial problems. 

  I tried to switch over just now to watch Mr Biden’s statement about Mr Novalny’s death “live” but either Biden is late or the connection failed.

   Wordle: I got two greens from my starters this morning, one v. one c. And two brown c’s. I quite soon thought of a knitting-related word and put it in for old times’ sake, expecting it to be wrong but it wasn’t. So I scored three.

   There was little sign in the rest of my group that knitting conferred an advantage. Ketki scored a brilliant two. Roger and Rachel were with me on three. Alexander and Mark were the fours; Thomas five; Theo six. He had greens for the first three letters of the word, and guessed wrong three times. Knitting would have helped there. 



  1. I am reading entirely 'light novels' at the moment; Geogette Heyer, Angela Thirkell, and about to try an Elli Griffiths. All 99p offers on Amazon. The book club choice was 'the Stranding'. I haven't been able to get into it; too chopped up with 'now' and 'then' chapters. That's odd, because 'Of Stone And Sky' by Merryn Glover is even more chopped up between time and place and people and I loved it (a Christmas present from a dear friend)

  2. =Tamar7:33 PM

    Weather in MD has alternated between sun and rain, but no snow since the roughly six inches weeks ago.
    Congratulations on the knitting progress!
    Progress here consisted of two books from the pile, but two others that I expected to like have stuck, total slogs. One I think is just me, not being in the mood, but the other is a letdown. I knew the author tends to start strong and fail on the conclusion of a series, but it's still disappointing. Fine, I have lots more books waiting for me.

  3. I feel that poor old Joe B doesn't quite know what to say so constantly repeats one statement. Wordle took me 5 goes.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Having worked in book stores and a library I saw many books come through. If I’m not very interested by page 75 or 100 I go on to another one. There isn’t enough time to waste on the ‘bad’ ones. There is a book exchange table at our monthly WI meetings and I just move it on for someone else who may enjoy it. I did throw a book away once because it was that bad. I felt guilty about it but didn’t want to inflict it on anyone else.

  5. Mary Lou5:17 PM

    I just finished the most recent Thursday Murder Club book, which I enjoyed. It was an entertaining light read. I got Wordle in three yesterday, as I had an anagram for my second try.
