Friday, July 26, 2024

 A terrible sleepless night last night because of bedsores on my  bottom — I’m stuck in the same position all night because of my necrotic hip.   Then a peaceful day’s sleep today in my reclining chair where both bottom and hip are much more comfortable.  Now it’s nearly time for bed again. Not much of a life. No knitting. I think Helen will be home from Strathardle tomorrow.

    Still, I was conscious long enough greatly to enjoy the Obamas’ endorsement of Harris. I saw it somehow as a package clip with Hillary’s nomination eight years ago — she went straight for the “glass ceiling” idea, even then. Whereas Harris ended on the word “fun”.

    The vice-presidential choice will be interesting. Shapiro of Pennsylvania turns out to be a devout, practising Jew. I fear that wouldn’t leave Harris enough room to manoeuvre on Israel, so I’ll have to switch my choice to the astronaut. 

   Wordle: five for me this morning, but many of us didn’t find it easy. My starters gave me two greens and a brown. I didn’t use any Jean-words today — all legitimate guesses. Line three made it three greens. Line four achieved nothing except to eliminate two more useful letters. There simply weren’t enough left to form any English word. I went off to read my newspaper and suddenly thought of another way of looking at it.

   Ketki and Rachel were fellow-fives. Alexander scraped home with six. Thomas and Mark had fours, which passes as a good score today.

   Roger scored six and Theo five on the far shore today.



  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Sleep in your recliner Jean! No point in being so uncomfortable just because it's a bed you're in and not a reclining chair.

  2. my stepmother sleeps in her recliner most nights- finds it easier on her back. Got Wordle in three yesterday and SIX today. A whew. The conversation with the Obamas and Harris was sweet.

  3. Do you have a hospital bed with an electric air mattress? My mother was supplied with one by NHS when she was sent home after she had a stroke, and inspite of living either in bed or in a wheelchair never had bed sores. My father has been given one too; it does all the reclining stuff that the ones in the hospital do. Does a nurse come in to look after the sores? Oh Jean, sleepless nights are such a trial, time to call in the cavalry to the rescue maybe!?!?. No wonder knitting isn't happening; don't beat yourself up!!
