Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Busy day, yesterday. We had a pleasant lunch with our friend, and as soon as the dining room table was clear – not until late afternoon – I deployed the Income Tax papers there. All seems to be in order, and nothing much has changed since last year. But I must keep at it.

I was unspeakably tired at the end of the day.

Rachel phoned in the evening – her husband Ed has had laser surgery for a partially detached retina. It sounds as if things could be better done, in London. His optician referred him urgently in December. The letter got lost in the Christmas system. Recent attempts to chase it up were leading nowhere. He gave up and paid to have the treatment done privately.

When I had my retinal vein occlusion a few years ago, the optician phoned the eye hospital as I sat there. They phoned me at home a couple of hours later, and I saw a doctor there that afternoon. In my case treatment wasn’t urgent, although I eventually had successful laser surgery when things had settled down. On the NHS. With detached retinas, I believe, speed is essential.

It has been decided (by us) that the cases of chicken pox reported yesterday were probably caught from Alexander’s shingles, although it is not supposed to be very infectious.

The major excitement yesterday, however, was not any of that, but Unknown’s comment on my post of two days ago. When you ask Google Images for pictures of the Calcutta Cup, you get pages and pages of results. Observe, by the way, the battered image which occurs early on. Within fairly recent memory, in the days of the amateur game, those naughty young men got drunk in the evening of match day – it had been an English vistory, as usual, I believe – and kicked the Cup along Rose Street.

However, that’s not the point. Unknown bravely trawled on and on – and found, on page 10 or so, pictures of my knitting. But for her, I would have gone to my grave without knowing. I am thrilled to the core.

As for actual knitting, I have finished the second sleeve of Ed's Gardening Sweater. I mustn’t rush things – I must compare the two carefully to make sure they are, in fact, the same length; I must reflect carefully on whether, in fact, that is the length I want. But I have every reason to hope that I will be able to attach them today. And the new needles are here, all ready.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    As long as there are fresh blisters forming and bursting, shingles is VERY contagious. Surely the NHS doesn't deny the facts? It isn't contagious in its later stages. Sister Helen

  2. rosesmama11:48 AM

    Some of your knitting has moved up to page 5! The wonders of the internet . . .

  3. GrannyPurple12:12 PM

    Oh, Jean, I'm so glad to have found those pics for you! Lately I have had trouble commenting and identifying myself, and if this once succeeds in both, I'll know it's an iPad problem...

  4. Hi Jean, I wonder if you've thought of treating yourself to a set of the knit pro interchageable needles and cables? Meadow Yarn ( who I've always found really fast and efficient) do them
    I knit almost everything on them ( I love the look of both the rosewood set and the new dreamz sets - but I have so many of the symphonie ends and cables I can't justify them !
    The interchangeables stay together well when you tighten them with the tool provided ( or, in a pinch, the 'pin' of a stud earring !) and mean you don't have to buy the same size needles in lots of different cable lengths!

    1. Lynne, I looked into interchangeables recently and decided against them, although I now can't remember why. I agree about Meadow Yarn -- they're terrific. And if the interchangeables stay together -- and presumably the stitches slip comfortably over the join -- why not? I'll give this some serious thought. Thanks.

  5. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Ease your pictures on Google. Lovely! It is very thrilling.
    Margaret Mary

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Meant to type "saw" your pictures. Sorry
    Margaret Mary
