Sunday, November 23, 2014

Even less to report this morning.

I got one more scallop done, on the edging of the Unst Bridal Shawl – and without mishap. Then I went out on the razzle-dazzle (= for cider in a local pub) and it seemed safest, when I got back, to restrict activity to threading Archie's sweater onto waste yarn for today's try-on. I did that. Lying on top of the sweater of his which was left behind here, the fit looks very good. We shall see.

I counted stitches on the Bridal Shawl, from here to the next corner. I think the answer was, 17 scallops to go, just over a week at the rate of two scallops per evening. Maybe I had better try to up the pace a little bit. When I get there, one full side will remain, then the messy corner, then a few inches of the fourth side until I reach the point where I started. A long way, yet.


And that's about it. November darkness presses. Panic is bad. I read all those pages in the newspapers of Present Suggestions and don't even see anything I might want for myself (usually easy, that one).

On feminism: Mount Holyoke disputes with Oberlin the claim to be the first to give degrees to women. They were pretty well simultaneous. I have forgotten the ins and outs of the argument. My sister and I grew up on Mount Holyoke, our mother's college and the one where our Great Aunt Emma served for many years as a distinguished professor of chemistry. The new lab is named for her. But neither my sister nor I went there.

And I am inclined nowadays to give the prize to Oberlin, for being co-educational from the beginning.


  1. As an MHC alum, I gotta give it to the old alma mater. Interesting you mentioned chemistry, one of the reasons I went to MHC was that at the time (2000ish) more of their chemistry graduates went on to earn PhDs than any other college.
    Of course, I ended up with a physics degree instead, because we had free popcorn in our lounge and the labs were less likely to kill me (though I did lose part of a thumbnail due to machine shop mixing with flu meds and ended up sitting in the ER next to a guy who'd lost his thumb in a machine shop accident).
    Oberlin was actually on my short list, I even prepped an audition piece for the music school, but MHC just felt like home.

  2. Love your blog - keep going xx

  3. Love these traditional colleges.
