Sunday, October 02, 2016

Another good day – but how long can I keep it up?

I did six rows of the Uncia, leaving me with a wrong-side row to start with today, and only five more before I can turn over to page 89 and Chart F. On the other hand, there are still 120 rows to go – nearly a month’s work assuming I can maintain the current heady pace, which I almost certainly can’t.

I finished the ribbing of the first Mosiac sock, and started down the leg.

I did another point on the Hansel Hap edging, and re-counted the remaining stitches. Things are much better than I thought. There are only two stitches lacking on the shawl, of what I need to complete the edging. I’ll count again this morning, and if it still appears the same I’ll leave one turn unattached this evening, and leave the other to be subsumed in the final corner.

The Feral Knitter

I’ve spent some happy time with the new book, and am keen to start a Fair Isle something, less keen to spend much time planning. Janine wants us to build a “yarn library” – a.k.a. an out-of-control stash – to assist in making colour choices. Delicious thought! She also recommends a real-world notebook with swatches and inspirational cuttings and tentative plans. Arne & Carlos are of the same opinion.

One of the best features of the book is the inclusion of some of Janine’s student’s finished designs. I was particularly struck with Karen Hust’s “Fair Isle Wrap Sweater” in the chapter on shaping whole garments, and a bit cross that she didn’t actually say how it was done. But I think that’s because it’s based on Marie Wallin’s “Izmir” from Rowan 54 (do I have that one?) and she is perhaps being hyper-cautious not to trespass on copyright.

She succeeded in knitting it in the round. Several of the people who have knit it on Ravelry have done it that way. But how?

I watched an Arne&Carlos video yesterday about steeking (as they called it) and cutting a sweater. They didn’t add any stitches at all for what we would call the steek – just marked the cutting line with bright yarn, machine stitched on either side of the line, and cut. I’ve done that myself, to change a round neck into a vee. Shetland yarn really doesn’t want to ravel.


  1. I bought The Feral Knitter's book as an ebook as well, now to set aside some time to browse!

  2. Very glad to hear the hap edging is sorting itself out and will keep fingers crossed that it stays sorted.
    And perhaps the charts to come of Uncia will prove to be less intense, thus allowing you to proceed more swiftly despite an increase in the stitches. I continue to moon over Uncia, but have a great deal of Christmas knitting to accomplish and am now also eying Ann Budd's Tavia, a lovely skirt that I think I would wear quite a bit. When will there be time?
