Sunday, July 24, 2022


C. came to see me, but again failed to get me out. I’m all right, just droopy. Both Christina and Manaba are ill with Covid – not desperately ill, but far from symptomless. They have no other backup but C., who doesn’t dare to pitch in and risk getting it herself.


Thank you for your Wordle comments. We over here often grumble that Wordle words are too American, although at the moment I can’t think of an example. I have no memory of MIDGEs from my American youth (nor does Ketki) and I wondered how the word would strike American ears. Perhaps significantly, all the Scottish residents in my little Wordle group got it in four yesterday, but Mark, an Englishman who lives in Birmingham, needed five. Today was one of those Wordle specials where those who had the last four letters of the word as green tiles had a wide choice of letters to start it off with. I needed five, Alexander four, and we were lucky. The others approached from a different direction; they had the initial letter in hand for the final struggle. Mark, blast him, got it in two.


I knit heroically on. Today was a day when my determination to knit three rounds at least really paid off. I so easily might not have done any, and now I am within the last ten rounds, counting down to the finish line. I might do another round or two this evening, but I doubt it.


I have been reading PD James’ Adam Dalgleish books backwards from the most recent. Some of them I have read in the past, I think, but by no means all. She’s good. And it is wonderful to watch the 21st century scrolling backwards. Remember typewriters?





  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Yes I almost remember typewriters. Oh dear...

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Anonymously Janet in Seattle

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    My mum (who is 84) got Wordle in one today!! It has really made me wonder why she got that answer at 6.53am on a Sunday 🫢

  4. I got today's in 2! My flabber was gasted !

  5. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Refrained from commenting yesterday for fear of giving it away. Apparently we have midges all across Canada - I know them as "no-see-ums", tiny tiny but feel big when they bite.

  6. Hi Jean, I've been following you for years without commenting. Much amazed by how well you do in Wordle. I get the word most of the time, but must confess it usually takes me four or five tries. My starting word is QUEST - given how common E, S, and T are in English. I should reconsider and maybe I'll do better. Loved the Lilas sweater. Glad you are mostly getting out to walk. Take care, Sheila in Oregon, USA

  7. Mary Lou11:51 PM

    I wouldn't commonly use midge, except as the name of Barbie's best friend!

  8. =Tamar3:44 AM

    I used to earn money typing papers for people in college, then had a job as typist using a brand new IBM PC, the kind that didn't have a hard drive--you booted it from a single floppy disc and the started a word processing program. I kind of miss the typewriter's "immediate print-out" effect, no need for a separate machine. But the correction ability sold me. Remember pay phones? And earlier, phones that you had to call the operator and tell her the number you wanted to call?

  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I actually failed on "midge" completely - because I had convinced myself that "M" was not the first letter. On the other hand, I am carrying several large bites - mostly horseflies in this season, but still.

  10. I had forgotten about Barbie's friend Midge but knew about midges as insects from reading. It's so funny the things we learn and remember.
