Thursday, July 21, 2022


Little to report. Helen came to see me, and we walked for a while along the pavement chatting to neighbours. She and Archie will be leaving tomorrow, well before the crack of dawn (even in July), for a family holiday in the Peloponnese. I’ll see her again a week on Monday.


Knitting has progressed. I’ve done another five rounds of legwarmer.


And Alexander has found a wellingtonia for us – a California redwood. We have planted various trees commemorating various ones of us. I wanted a wellingtonia for me and my husband – it’s a Californian tree, and I was born there. The Duke of Wellington – from whom, of course, it takes its British name – is a favourite of mine, and also comes in to the story of my husband’s artist, D*vid W*lkie, from whom he commissioned The Ch*lsea P*nsioners, in its day the most expensive contemporary British picture ever. And the tree, if it thrives, will one day obstruct the view from our neighbours’ house to the village. …a dish that is best eaten cold.


But in a summer like this one, the tree should remain in care for a couple more months since it will need regular watering.


Wordle: four for everybody today except Thomas – it’s very good to have him back. He scored three.

My scheduled visit to the kittens has been postponed; Manaba has ested position for Covid (although he remains in reasonable health).


  1. =Tamar3:29 AM

    If I recall correctly, trees need to be watered deeply, so the roots grow down. I'm impressed by the idea of growing a redwood in Scotland. Payback for the Blue Spruce, maybe.

  2. Mary LOu3:54 AM

    It took me six today! I had all green but one in the second try - each consonant was wrong until the very end.
