Thursday, December 01, 2022

Oh, Mary Lou, thank you for the pointer to that Wordle hat (comment yesterday). We in my little group post our results to each other daily, so I could make individual hats using the recipient’s actual scores. What fun!


 I must get back to my knitting – again, a day has gone by with none. I continue to feel better. The antibiotic course finished today. I think Daniela and I hit the ideal moment for that bath: I am strong enough now to change into pyjamas at bedtime, and back into real clothes in the morning. I’ve been dragging myself around in the same rags, night and day, for the last week.


Roger and Helen are safely back in DC, much missed here. 

 Wordle: I was today’s dunce with the only five. Theo, Granddaughter-Rachel and Ketki shared the honours with three. Everybody else scored four. A lot of us, including me, had gr,*,gr,gr,gr for our penultimate row, but we got there at different speeds. 

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